Dragon Age: Origins

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Dragon Age: Origins

Post by Xar »

So, after about 7 years since its announcement, Dragon Age: Origins has been released in North America last Tuesday (in Europe, it was released on Friday). Did anyone already try it?

I started playing it yesterday... I must say that even on my current system - which is two years old and for which I couldn't find updated graphics drivers - the game looks amazing. And that's with low details and medium textures - I can't imagine what it must look like on a high-end machine. Affectionately called DA:O, it's a fantasy roleplaying game from Bioware, the makers of Neverwinter Nights and the first Knights of the Old Republic. It's a title for "mature players" - and after playing a bit, I can see why. Bioware didn't shy away from blood and gore!

Nevertheless the game is great fun. The name comes from the "origin stories" feature: basically depending on your class and race, the first chapter of the story is different (if you're a human noble, for example, it takes place in your family's ancestral castle). These origin stories also include characters you'll meet later in the story, whom you wouldn't have met if you didn't choose that story, so basically the replay value of the game is strong. The only complaint I have there is that basically, once you've chosen your race and class, the game usually only opens one possibility as an origin story - meaning that if you're, say, a human mage, you'll always only be able to choose "Human Mage" as the origin story, but not "Human Noble", for example. That's a gripe I have, though I suspect that future expansion packs will increase the amount of origin stories available.

It's also supposed to be epic fantasy, and Bioware gives you a demonstration of what they mean fairly early, with a massive battle between the darkspawn and the armies of the kingdom you live in. Oh, the game uses its own ruleset, so it's not D&D or anything.

That said... the story seems to be quite interesting, with a few twists here and there and as far as I understand it's very open-ended, so I want to see if I can manage to become king by the end of the game ;) I've been playing a human warrior with the Human Noble origin, so I can't say much on the magic system yet, but melee combat is fairly impressive. As a warrior, you have a stamina bar which decreases when you fight and when you use special moves, and the decrease is more pronounced the heavier the armor you wear. I've been having a lot of fun bashing foes in the face with my shield, but I'm going to switch to dual fighting to see how that's like. When you kill an enemy, there's also a chance your character will perform a finishing move, which in at least one case seemed to amount to beheading your foe. Tactics count a lot - you can organize preset tactics for your allies (such as "if the foe is below 50% health, use your Reposte ability") so they will follow them and prevent the need for micromanagement. You can also flank your foe or attack it from behind to get advantages.

There's a very cinematic feeling to the whole game, especially the action sequences - the first time I did battle with an ogre it was remarkably difficult, but when I finally killed the thing, there was a whole short sequence in which my character jumped on the ogre as it staggered, stabbing it in the heart with his blade, and as the ogre fell to the floor, chopping at its head.

While I can't say anything about the storyline as a whole, since I have barely finished the second chapter, I think that the game looks quite impressive. Anyone else has comments about it?
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Post by Akasri »

I've heard great things about this game, and I absolutely love dragons, so I picked it up yesterday, but didn't have a chance to try it out yet. Glad to hear I may not have wasted my money :)
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Post by Xar »

Thus far I've only seen a dragon in a vision, and it was really spectacular. And the epic dimension you can really feel... there's a whole cinematic about that battle I told you about, which makes you feel like you're in a movie :D
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Post by Menolly »

Paolo's been hyping it to me for months, but battle just does not interest me, even though I adore nearly anything Dragon themed.

Are there console versions, if one's computer is lower-end than yours, Xar? Beorn may enjoy it for a holiday gift and if it is multi-player at all, I suspect he would eventually draw me in to playing occasionally...
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Post by Xar »

Menolly wrote:Paolo's been hyping it to me for months, but battle just does not interest me, even though I adore nearly anything Dragon themed.

Are there console versions, if one's computer is lower-end than yours, Xar? Beorn may enjoy it for a holiday gift and if it is multi-player at all, I suspect he would eventually draw me in to playing occasionally...
I know you adore dragon-themed stuff, which why I really think you should not play this game ;) There are versions for the PS3 and the Xbox 360, as far as I know; however be warned that the game is pretty graphic and it does not shy away from blood, gore, and sexual themes.
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Post by Menolly »

Xar wrote:
Menolly wrote:Paolo's been hyping it to me for months, but battle just does not interest me, even though I adore nearly anything Dragon themed.

Are there console versions, if one's computer is lower-end than yours, Xar? Beorn may enjoy it for a holiday gift and if it is multi-player at all, I suspect he would eventually draw me in to playing occasionally...
I know you adore dragon-themed stuff, which why I really think you should not play this game ;)
Reverse psychology, hmm?

*rolling Will Save, +40*
Xar wrote:There are versions for the PS3 and the Xbox 360, as far as I know; however be warned that the game is pretty graphic and it does not shy away from blood, gore, and sexual themes.
He read The Gap Cycle at 13.
At 16, an "M" rating shouldn't be a problem.
Will look for a PS3 version, thanks.
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Post by Menolly »

Upon further input as to the plot of this game, it seems as if you are correct after all, Xar. This game would not be for me. It would break my heart too much, from what I am hearing.

...hmmph... ;)

Still, Beorn will probably enjoy it.
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Post by The Dreaming »

God, these guys have gotten good at storytelling. The decision to put the consequences for your choices under the hood was a bold, and awesome choice. I am dead tired of all of the "save a van of children vs. Blow up a van of children" moral "dilemmas". The scripting is so elegant that the decisions you make have consequences that aren't as obvious as "XXX has gained 3 Good points)

Honestly, I was blown away by the storytelling in Mass Effect, they have actually managed to top it. All of the characters are richly fleshed out and intensely likable, the combat system is basically a version of the Infinity D&D refined to work as a game, not a tabletop.

And the game even works in my favorite aspect (maybe the only aspect I thought was downright brilliant) of final fantasy 12 - programmable AI used as a part of character development. And it does it without making you sit through a 20 minute unskippable tutorial like a JRPG would. Ahh, the PC, the last place where game developers truly respect their audience. Also, thank GOD they designed an honest to god PC interface this time rather than shoehorning in an annoyingly stripped down console interface. (Almost ruined Oblivion for me).

This is the first bioware game in a while that really feels "PCish." By that I really mean "Baldur's Gateish". It finally put the tactics back into the tactical RPG. Neverwinter only got really smart when you played multiplayer. DA actually lets you die and makes you think.

Anyway, I'm still in the middle of the game, my only real issue would be that the game takes a DEEP level of involvement to really get the most out of it. You can blow an hour EASY just talking to your allies in camp without even thinking about it. I also wish there was a higher ratio of side quest to main quest. (BGII had it about right I think at 50/50 optional/main.) I haven't really spent much time out of the main quest areas yet, and have yet to have what I feel is a really epic dungeon Crawl. (It might be forthcoming, but everything so far has been so story driven - there some insanely brilliant twists on the core game play in store, but extended sequences away from the party can get tiresome, precisely because you come to care so deeply about these characters.)

Maybe there will be some DLC coming that will give me an Icewind Dale type dungeon crawly goodness. I think part of the problem with the post-infinity games is that environments are less unique and more patterned, which really takes the edge out of exploration.
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Post by Menolly »

The Dreaming wrote:Maybe there will be some DLC coming that will give me an Icewind Dale type dungeon crawly goodness. I think part of the problem with the post-infinity games is that environments are less unique and more patterned, which really takes the edge out of exploration.
Not having played any of the games you mentioned, I am unsure if this is at all similar to what you mean, but does the Warden's Keep download that is available for DA:O do this?
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Post by Damelon »

One of the fellows in the WoW guild was raving about it in vent the other night. Looks interesting, but it doesn't appear to be available for mac. Which is just as well. ;)
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Post by Menolly »

Well, now you guys are worrying me.
I really do not think our laptop is powerful enough to be a gaming computer. Is the PS3 version as good as the PC version?
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Post by CovenantJr »

Don't ask. PC gamers always claim that the PC version of anything is the best. Personally, I disagree. All you need to know is that it's the same game whether it's on PC, PS3 or Xbox. I think the console versions lose a little visual flashiness, but nothing that would be noticable unless you deliberately look for it.
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Post by Menolly »

Thanks Cj.
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Post by CovenantJr »

The fact is, a high-end PC will always be more powerful than a console because of the variety of tasks they're intended to perform, and the customisation/upgradability factor. But consoles are designed and built solely for games.

A sledgehammer is much bigger, more powerful and more impressive than a screwdriver, but it's not much good for, say, screwing together flatpack furniture. A screwdriver is good for that because that's what it's designed for. Sledgehammer = PC; screwdriver = console. :P

The analogy doesn't hold up to scrutiny because PCs do, of course, run games perfectly well - and there are some types of games that work much better on PCs because of the control system (playing an MMORPG such as WoW on a console, for instance, would probably be nightmarish, and it's taken years and years for consoles to find a way of making strategy games less unwieldy to play). The days of there being leagues of difference between PC games and console games are long gone. Don't worry about it.

As an easy guide, you could consult somewhere like GameSpot - even without reading the reviews, just looking at the scores should tell you enough. If a particular game just doesn't work very well on a console, it'll get a bad score. The lowest score any version of Dragon Age has been given on that site is 8.5 out of 10, which means every version is very good. (The PS3 version was given a 9. It doesn't get much better than that).
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Post by Menolly »

Again, thanks.
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Post by CovenantJr »

No problem. You managed to hit one of my rant triggers. :lol:
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Post by The Dreaming »

I dunno, I think some interface styles just work better for certain games. Tactical games just don't feel the same without a mouse, just like platforming games feel wrong with a keyboard.

So, for me it's more a control/interface thing than anything else, not to mention the serious user created content communities you get with a pc. (Bioware has released their toolset, so I expect to see some awesome mods coming). BGII happens to have one of the best modding communities on the net, and I expect a lot of that talent to start working on DA.

Half the fun of going back to an older PC game for me is seeing what the modding community has been up to since I last played.
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Post by Menolly »

Dreaming, um...
since I don't play many video games, is it terrible for me to admit I have no idea what you just said?
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Post by CovenantJr »

'Mods' are additional content, usually created unofficially by players (though sometimes they're official, like the horse armour mod in Oblivion), that add extra stuff to the game. Sometimes they just add new equipment or tweak small things, but sometimes they add whole new areas and quest lines, that sort of thing. By releasing their toolset (i.e. the stuff they used to create the game) Bioware are actively encouraging people to make their own mods.

Modding should theoretically be possible on consoles, with the use of Xbox Live and so on, but to the best of my knowledge it doesn't really happen very much. I think PCs, as multi-purpose systems rather than specialised gaming platforms, are better suited to modding.
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Post by Menolly »

And this stuff is not available for the console games?
Both the PS3 and the X-Box have internet accessibility...
...as well as the Wii, although apparently DA:O isn't being released for the Wii.


ack, you must have edited after I previewed
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