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LFB: Invitation to a Betrayal/Kevin's Watch begins Sat. 5th

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 1:20 pm
by danlo
Wow! This idea is working out way past my xpectations! It's really fun isn't it? The whole idea of reading this 2gether w/my friends on the Watch really blows me away! This is the coolest website in the world! But we already knew that. I hope some1 else will take the lead 4 the 3rd read-cauz no 1 needs be in charge here. The dissection, kinda, takes care of itself. ANYWAY start reading again--the discussion on LFB Chapts 3 & 4 will start October the 5th!!!

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 11:01 am
by Vain
I'll agree :) This is definitely a lot more intense and interesting that just reading it without other points of view.

As for the starting of New Chapters, I figure we should have a sticky topic headed : Step up to the Plate (or something like that) and everybody nominates certain chapters insofar as their taking the lead is concerned - if that made any sense :)

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:01 pm
by Lady Genni
Vain wrote: As for the starting of New Chapters, I figure we should have a sticky topic headed : Step up to the Plate (or something like that) and everybody nominates certain chapters insofar as their taking the lead is concerned - if that made any sense :)
Hey! I love this idea...anyone else interested?

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 9:43 pm
by aliantha
Heck, I'll volunteer to start off the discussion for dissection #3 -- what date and which chapters? (Maybe that will force me to actually log in and begin contributing sooner.... :( )

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:33 pm
by danlo
Thanks Guys ALOT!! I truly feel that Dissecting the Land is the most important thing to hit the Watch in a very long time! It was bound to happen, so nobody needs to be credited with the's the Watch's idea and now it's a living breathing thing. Like the Series this forum will have a maddening, life-altering effect on the Watch--I'm not kidding this is a HUGE effort--and if one servant had to run it alone they would go nuts in no time flat...**feeling slightly flat**. That's a beautiful idea Vain!!! Thanks again GUYS!!! (ally, prob announce the start date as soon as the next read begins and set it out a week or so from that date)

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 10:36 pm
by Lord Mhoram
I kinda read ahead of everyone else...and then some, and Im currently on the chapter Vespers, and Ill gladly dissect that chapter, or maybe the chapter Revelstone. $dodges stones for reading ahead. Leaves forum.$

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 11:00 am
by Vain
*throws stones at LM*

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 3:33 pm
by aliantha
I realized last night that what I really want to do is lead the discussion for the "rape" chapter (I already know what questions I'll ask to kick things off!), which I think would be the 4th week. So I'll sign up for that in the proper thread.

I think you're right, Danlo -- this is a great idea and a lot of fun, and its coming was only a matter of time (like the 3d Chrons, we fervently hope...).

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 7:43 pm
by danlo
See my edited post above! Discussion moved up 2 this Saturday!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2002 9:13 pm
by Earthblood
LM - don't feel bad - I'm already 1/2 way thru TIW.....can't stop. 8O

It is interesting to go back & revisit LFB when your engaged in laterparts of the chrons... :wink: