
Book 1 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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Post by Zahir »

Here is a place to offer your own ideas of what the next three books might hold in store...let us share and see what we come up with, eh? And then, we can see how wrong we all are as each volume is published! :twisted:

Here are some of mine:

--At least one of the old Lords is gonna show up, and my bet is that it'll be someone we haven't really met before. Not Mhoram nor Kevin, and frankly Loric would be just too convenient for words. But how about Damelon Giantfriend? Odds are he knows things about Revelstone no one else does, after all, cause he saw it built! And let the Haruchai try to make him stop using Earthpower! Heh heh.

--Seems to me there's gotta be a quest to go get Loric's krill. Where might it be, do you think? Because the Land is in immediate danger right now from the Demondim, and that little blade would be just too useful. And it is rather scalpel-like, yes?

--Giants. We're gonna meet more of 'em. Yeppers. Anyway, there had better be. For that matter, I'm hoping to meet up with some of the sur-jeherrin. Always liked them.

--Okay, seems to me there's a nasty revelation awaiting the Haruchai. Simply put, they are behaving like cowards. At least, that is how it could be interpreted. Think about it. Their entire attitude regarding Earthpower and the Land is bound to fail. Anyone with a brain can see that, because they've stripped the Land of its defenders. Why are they doing it? Because of an unwillingness to risk what must be risked! They tell themselves that what they're doing is preventing that which leads to Corruption, but what they're really doing to refusing to take a chance. The mighty warriors of the Haruchai are deliberately marching towards defeat rather than take a gamble that might succeed. I shudder for when and if the Haruchai ever see it in this light. And that's why I think at least some of them might well come to that realization.

What do you think?
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Post by Glaive »

If Linden 're-awakens' the krill I'm putting these books down and never coming back...She'll suddenly be holding the ring, the staff and the krill...throw in the ill-earth stone for good measure.

Hope this doesn't happen.

Giants, I think, are a given...and what with the Falls there should be no annoying and slow-paced ship voyages...heck, we might even get to go to their 'Home'.
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Post by Xar »

I believe that - even if you don't count SRD's own statements, which would be unwise - "Runes" already stated repeatedly that Linden herself understood that the ring and the Staff cannot be used simultaneously, because the Staff is the living embodiment of Law, and wild magic sits outside the Law. Therefore, I doubt she'll be going out gathering all items of power we've ever heard of anytime soon - I think it far more probable that the ring will go back to Covenant when the chance arises, and this is further heightened by the fact that Linden herself doesn't consider the ring as hers, and she ponders this several times.

Incidentally, does anybody remember that Revelstone still holds a treasure trove of artifacts from the age of the High Lords (including the First, Second and Third Ward of Kevin's Lore)? Covenant saw it in the Second Chronicles, and that's where Vain got the iron bands of the Staff of Law - but we never found out what happened to it.

Also, as far-fetched as it is, I have the strange feeling that one of the last things Covenant did in the Second Chronicles might pop up unexpectedly... don't ask me why, it's just a feeling, so it's probably wrong, but when I read the Second Chronicles and I get to the point where the Cavewights are trying to resurrect Drool - and then in the end Covenant tells Linden that he used wild magic to raise something from the mound in order to help Pitchwife and the First to flee - I don't really like that vagueness... 8O
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Post by Satansheart Soulcrusher »

I suspect that whatever Covenant raised from the Cavewight mound may have been simply illusory - to distract and confuse them while he made a run for it.

I thought the Krill was still at the bottom of Glimmermere? Maybe TC will end up with the ring and the Krill (which might give him something with which to safely channel the wild magic without risking the Arch). Linden will hang on to the Staff though because she made it.

I'd be interested to see Berek reborn for real so TC can tell everyone "hey look, I told you all along I'm not Berek, he is!" :D
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Post by Xar »

Satansheart Soulcrusher wrote:I suspect that whatever Covenant raised from the Cavewight mound may have been simply illusory - to distract and confuse them while he made a run for it.
That might well be, yet the vagueness that disturbs me is that not even Covenant knew for sure what he had raised from the mound... he said it was "soon gone", but I can't shake the thought that maybe it wasn't... things were a little frantic by then, so he could be excused for not paying enough attention, I suppose :D
Again, that's only a feeling I have... it's a wild guess at most!
Satansheart Soulcrusher wrote:I thought the Krill was still at the bottom of Glimmermere? Maybe TC will end up with the ring and the Krill (which might give him something with which to safely channel the wild magic without risking the Arch). Linden will hang on to the Staff though because she made it.
Uh... the krill was last seen deep within the charred tree stump that once was Caer-Caveral after Sunder used it to kill him...
Satansheart Soulcrusher wrote:I'd be interested to see Berek reborn for real so TC can tell everyone "hey look, I told you all along I'm not Berek, he is!" :D
I fear the people of the Land wouldn't even know who Covenant is now, much less Berek! :D But at least we know he isn't Berek reborn, since he saw Berek's spirit returning from the Dead with the spirits of the dead Lords in Foul's Creche, at the end of the First Chronicles :P
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Xar wrote:
Satansheart Soulcrusher wrote:
Satansheart Soulcrusher wrote:I'd be interested to see Berek reborn for real so TC can tell everyone "hey look, I told you all along I'm not Berek, he is!" :D
I fear the people of the Land wouldn't even know who Covenant is now, much less Berek! :D But at least we know he isn't Berek reborn, since he saw Berek's spirit returning from the Dead with the spirits of the dead Lords in Foul's Creche, at the end of the First Chronicles :P
Satansheart, there are so many senerios I want to see like the one you described!

Xar, True unless....... Berek is Covenant who died already.

"Berek" would be the "future" Covenant in Runes.
So he would know about or remember his shade appearance in tPTP and would play the part knowing better than to disrupt time. :?

I have to say, Donaldson is a total genius for coming up with this.
Really, almost anything is possible.

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Post by ur-bane »

There is only one prediction that I can make that will absolutely be correct, and that is that I will wait impatiently for each of the next three books.

It is great to be back in the Land!

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Post by Wormwood »

OK, here's my projections:

- Giants make a repeat appearance. This is kind of obvious, but we love the big lugs anyway. They will return bearing something of great value that The First and Pitchwife carried away at the end of White Gold Wielder (Krill? Lore? Knoledge of the Elohim?) just like the Unhomed did with the First Ward after Kevin performed the ritual of desecration.

- The Mahdoubt and the other servants of Revelstone will form the basis of the new lords. They are already servants of Earthpower without knowing it.

- The Mahdoubt is more than she appears to be, and will be a critical link to bringing the Haruchai in line.

- The Haruchai will be be reminded of how close to despite the refusal of an aid against the Despiser is, and will come around after an ugly one-sided fight against the Demondim.

- The half-hand does not refer to Covenant, the maimed Haruchai, or Linden's son. It will be Berek Halfhand, brought forward by the breaking of the Laws of Death, Life, and Time!

- Linden's a goner in the real world.

- Roger Covenant is Lord Foul. Years ago Donaldson said that Covenant would become the despiser. He just didn't say which one.

- Thomas Covenant will not turn out to be Berek Halfhand. He would have recognized himself at the end of The Power That Preserves in the Hall of Lord Foul.

- Something REALLY bad is going to happen to Liand. It's certain that Donaldson can't allow that anything or anyone as pure and innocent as him to remain so.
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Post by Wormwood »

- Oh, also forgot my big shocker. Kevin's Dirt turns out to be something the Haruchai put in place after they named themselves the Masters. Think about it. The dirt happened about the same time they came to power, and the stuff prevents anyone from accessing Earthpower, which is what the Haruchai desire. All a bit to tidy if you ask me.
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Post by Satansheart Soulcrusher »

Xar - sorry forgot all about the Krill being used there! Duh.

Wormwood - We already know Linden's a goner, heck, even she knows it.
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Post by ScrapOSamadhi »

I agree with the Giants.

I think it will take more than just a one sided losing fight to convince the Haurachi to cave on their principles. They have already acknowledged that they can't win. The only think I can think of which will shift them is if it is proved to them that they have been manipulated by Corruption (maybe the Mahdoubt was the one who Foul used to whisper in their ears) so to speak.

The Elohim mentioned Sandgorgons, as a threat, so we can assume with some degree of confidence that the rent raver Nom ate disagreed with him. Maybe whispered something in his "ear".

I am not sure if this is a prediction per se, just a theory but nobody has generalized Kevin's Dirt to is basic function - it numbs/blinds the senses. I remember Covenant at the end of WGW saying he'd be willing to be the Arch forever if it weren't for Lord Foul's venom. He also said he was an alloy of Wild Magic, Leprosy, and Venom. Well, the venom got burned away by Foul when he flash fried Covenant, what about his Leprosy? Maybe Kevin's Dirt is a consequence of him becoming the keystone to the Arch of Time? Now the timeline isn't great for this as it didn't happen immediately but it might have been made possible because the Staff wasn't present for the intervening centuries as some have noted.

I think a Coryel will be involved with either the Skurj (too similar a parallel to the Arguhle) or the Haurachi/Masters. The Croyel seem to like being in the position of helping those who want dominion.

The thing Covenant raised from the wightbarrow was something he said "didn't last long", which means he saw/sensed it go away. I don't think it will be back.

I think Linden will give Covenant his ring back (it may be a mistake). I suspect Covenant is the halfhand she should beware of, remember he himself warned her. Foul has his ex-wife and control of his son. They indicates he can be blackmailed.

The Merewives want their torment to end, therefore it would be in their intrerest to break the arch.

That's all for now.
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Post by Aleksandr »

My predictions:
- Linden uses the Staff to shut down the Illearth Stone, which helps even up the contest a bit with the Demondim. The Wild Magic is used, either by Linden or “Covenant” (not sure it’s really him) to save Revelstone from the Demondim, but they are not entirely defeated and remain at large in the Land.
- There is indeed a quest to retrieve the Krill from Andelain. Various Dead, and the ever delightful Wraiths, are met there as a result (any and all of the usual suspects. Perhaps Sunder, Hollian and Hile Troy as well). And while Andelain was spared the Sunbane, it also lies under Kevin’s Dirt, to Linden’s great dismay.
- Jeremiah has a revelation from the Creator who spoke to him in the real world as he spoke to TC and Linden in the former Chronicles
- Moksha Jehannum shows up in some capacity, perhaps possessing Liand.
- Kastenessen shows up at Mt Thunder with purposes of his own, and the skurj and/or fire lions at his beck and call. The Elohim enter the story in opposition to Kastenessen. They haven’t gotten any more humble or helpful since TOT.
- Also at Mt Thunder the Cavewights have finally managed to make something ghastly (maybe old Drool himself) come out of the Wightbarrow and are preparing their own attack on the Land. This is somehow the source of Kevin’s Dirt.
- The sandgorgons are rampaging across the other side of the Earth, under the direction of a croyel. Although the Bhrathair are left alone, per Nom’s promise, the Giants’ home is destroyed and the survivors take refuge at Coerci.
- We learn what’s become of Roger. If Sandy was brought to the Land she will be encountered too.
- There will be no more time-travel via the Falls (in book two at least). Or, if someone attempts it, they will be destroyed in the attempt.
- Foul’s manipulations are really subtle this time. But by the end of book 2 we start to see the pattern and it’s a really nasty one involving Jeremiah in some horrifying fashion.
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

A few really good ones there, Aleksandr.
I especially liked:
"Giants’ home is destroyed and the survivors take refuge at Coerci."
I didn't like your reason but the concept of them living in the Land is a good one though sad at the same time (for them).

Uh oh, you got my mind wandering again:

Anyone think the Demondim might try and make some more UrViles?
Of course we don't know from what time period these Demodim are from.
They could be from before they even conceived of making Urviles (and those other guys I never know hope to spell) :P

Maybe seeing and fighting UrViles in the future gives them the idea when they return to the past.

Or maybe when the disappeared for that brief time at the end of Runes they created some super-Ur-Viles with the added help of the IllEarth Stone.
Or maybe some kind of Anti-Vain!!!

Nom,Nom,Nom alot of people seem to like the big lug!
What can be done with him though that hasn't already been done?
Maybe he'll be the first of the Newer Lords.
I hope not!

What will the 1st Chrons New Lords be called anyway if they startup again in the 3rd Chrons? Will they be reffered to as Old, Middle and New?
Just wondering.

And Scrap, (is it ok to shorten your handle like that or is it disrepectful?) when did it say that: "The Elohim mentioned Sandgorgons, as a threat"
I must have missed that.

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Post by Xar »

High Lord Tolkien wrote:What will the 1st Chrons New Lords be called anyway if they startup again in the 3rd Chrons? Will they be reffered to as Old, Middle and New?
Just wondering.
Judging from SRD's shockers in the GI, they'll all probably be referred to as "Dead" :P
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Xar wrote:
High Lord Tolkien wrote:What will the 1st Chrons New Lords be called anyway if they startup again in the 3rd Chrons? Will they be reffered to as Old, Middle and New?
Just wondering.
Judging from SRD's shockers in the GI, they'll all probably be referred to as "Dead" :P
I know!
I half hate and half love the idea!

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Post by caamora »

I think that Linden will also die in the Land like Covenant and become the Guardian of the Law, just like TC is the Guardian of the Arch of Time.
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Sandgorgons Mentioned...

Post by ScrapOSamadhi »

Hi High Lord Tolkein,

Page 152 Liand relates to Linden the occurance where an Elohim harbinger appeared in Mithil Stonedown when he was a child.
The stranger spoke of matters which conveyed no meaning to us. Sandgorgons. Croyel. A shadow upon the heart of his kind. Merewives and other bafflements. To none of them could we make response. We did not comprehend them.

"Then, however" - Liand faltered as though the memory still discomfitted him - "he informed us that a bane of great puissance and ferocity in the far north had slipped its bonds, and had found release in Mount Thunder."
I conclude the Sandgorgons are a source of peril because of the company he lumped them in with and the purpose of his visit. It is interesting that he referred to the Durrance as a bane, or that may have been Liand's understanding of it. It is also interesting that it found release IN Mount Thunder (maybe the Fire Lions are involved/controlled/corrupted.
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Post by Funky Staff of Law »

The person at the end is Covenant, that’s why the next book is called Fatal Revenant
I think something is going to be done with Berek being from the future of the land – there are too many people with two fingers loped off (TC, Jeremiah, the Haruchai who did it) otherwise. And although TC has seen Berek and it apparently wasn’t him I am still suspicious…
I demand to see Mhoram again! Best character!
The Mahdoubt is another ‘out to do good’ character but who is at odds with the aims of our protagonists a la the Elohim.
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Post by Bullfrog »

I predict that Jeremiah will have some sort of gift/power/capability that gives him some importance.

As with Covenant and Linden, he brings his own particular strength and weakness. Even though he will be out of his shell, his traumatic childhood will still be evident. His gift will be related to his creations in the real world.

Maybe he can see the future.
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Post by Creator »

Bullfrog wrote:I predict that Jeremiah will have some sort of gift/power/capability that gives him some importance.

He is a "creator" of sorts ....
He/She who dies with the most toys wins! Wait a minute ... I can't die!!!
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