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Foul's Sing-a-long

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2003 11:36 pm
by Worm of Despite
Correct me if I'm wrong, but nowhere have we yet posted that oh-so-original "what is your favorite song" thread! Well, oh me, that won't sit...

Favorite song: Kashmir, by Led Zeppelin
Favorite album: Dark Side of the Moon
Favorite band: Zeppelin again

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2003 12:42 am
by [Syl]

song: sober
album: undertow
band: tool

there's tons of music out there i love, some that i even think is better, but nothing that can recreate the feeling i have for this album. if i excluded tool, though... and A Perfect Circle... let's see

this would probably all change depending on the day, but...
song: One by Metallica
album: Dirt by Alice in Chains
band: Nine Inch Nails (really close tie between NIN, Alice in Chains,

Re: Foul's Sing-a-long

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 4:27 pm
by Mick Axbrewder
Lord Foul wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but nowhere have we yet posted that oh-so-original "what is your favorite song" thread! Well, oh me, that won't sit...

Favorite song: Kashmir, by Led Zeppelin
Favorite album: Dark Side of the Moon
Favorite band: Zeppelin again
I always pictured Lord Foul as more of a New Age fan - smell of attar and sweet corruption, etc. This sounds more like Drool.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 5:32 pm
by Guest
Now come on--you expect a southerner from Georgia who played football and wrestling to like NEW AGE?! I don't know what part of the country you're in--or what dimension--but in this neck of the woods, folks like me listen to CLASSIC ROCK! It's all opinion--till you call my stuff "Drool". Geez, got me so worked up I had to use a school computer!! Zeppelin's not drool! They're variety--one of the first loud rock and roll bands that were more about ATTITUDE than VOLUME. They are the gods--the ones who made it all right to play heavy rock on the radio! How dare you! New Age?! Boy George?! No thanks!!! :x

Bah, I have to keep going. Zeppelin had so much variety! They had all kinds of different flavors of their music, all kinds of influences--reggae, Indian, you name it! And you call them drool, when they're the biggest influence since The Beatles.

BLAH, now I'm late.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 1:04 am
by danlo
Favorite (instramental) song: Soundchasher (Yes)
Favorite song: In a Daydream (Freddie Jones Band)
Favorite album: Opium (Ottmar Liebert--dvd double set)
Favorite band: Neil Young and Crazy Horse

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 5:09 pm
by Brinn
Favorite Song: Red Hill Mining Town (U2)
Favorite Album: Achtung Baby(U2) / Adore (Smashing Pumpkins)
Favorite band: U2 / Smashing Pumpkins

This is very difficult. I feel guilty because there is so many songs/albums/bands that I love and to say I like one more than another is like asking me to choose which of my children I like more (although I don't actually have any children...but if I did I bet that's how it would feel!)! :wink: