What are you reading in general?

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What are you reading in general?

Post by danlo »

Since it's become so popular I thought I should move this topic over here asap--So aside from SRD what other books, mags, etc.. r u reading--please feel free 2 post reviews, quotes and feelings in gen. here. I am starting River of Blue Fire by Tad Williams which is the 2nd book in the Otherland Series which Williams describes as 1 superhuge novel that had 2 b cut in2 4 pieces in order 2 publish. The 1st book was City of Golden Shadow which was utterly fantastic: there is so much combination of Sci-Fi and Fantasy it's hard 2 tell the diff-- fans of both genres will b tottally satisfied!
Last edited by danlo on Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by robo »

Actually, apart from Tolkien and Donaldson I don't read any fantasy/sci fi anymore. I'm currently reading The Beginnings of Rome by T.J. Cornell - purely non-fiction.
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Video killed the radio star

Post by Vain »

Video killed the radio star - Anybody remember that song? I used to devour books at an astonishing rate. It must have had something to do with few responsibilities and a total absence of the internet.

Currently - I'm reading nothing although I have pledged to wander down to the bookstore and acquire the entire Covenant series once again and to actually sit down and read them.

Maybe this reading will be different - my first was about 15 years ago and I was younger. I remember the frustration I had with TC and wanting to reach into the book and punch him. I also remember the thrill at the end.

Other favourite authors are Mervyn Peake, Gene Wolfe (sp?), AE Van Vogt, Julian May, and I dabbled with Michael Moorcock and a hundred others I cannot remember off-hand right now.
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It def dif!

Post by danlo »

I have found that reading TCTC depends GREATLY on ur state of mind: I read the Chrons when they first came out starting w/LFB in'78, I didn't stop reading them till about '89. I was a real addict--the books couldn't be published fast enuf--I wanted 2 cut off 2 of my fingers--I wandered outcast unclean. Boy the 90s and 00s have let me see things much more clearly--instead of being constantly @ war w/Foul I now look @ the goodness--heathsense--earthpower! Having all the books @ ur disposal is quite a luxury! Count ur blessing and b happy! Being morose, abyssmal and defensive is a total waste of time!
fall far and well Pilots!

What am I reading atm?

Post by Guest »

At the moment, I'm reading a history of WW2 by (I think) Michael Gilbert. It's pretty comprehensive, and it's harrowing stuff.

Just makes you think - whatever horrors writers come up with to fill the pages of their books, it's bog-all compared to what humans have done to each other in the past and keep on doing to each other today. Whatever monsters threaten whatever sci-fi/fantasy world, they are all pale shadows of the monsters our little race has spawned.

Probably the closest that fantasy has come to the grim reality is Darken Rahl from Terry Goodkind's "Wizard's First Rule", which I just read for the first time about a month ago... Interesting to see if there are any more villains out there who are even more unsavoury.
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Don't know why that posted me as "anonymous" ... I was sure I'd logged on ... :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Post by Vain »

I used to think I became too closely intertwined with the story but never considered removing fingers as a viable option :D

Michael - what you say is true. That fiction we read and see is a far cry from what reality is capable of. That's why we have the arts (to speak broadly) - to essentially sooth or numb our minds.

My bookstore visit is scheduled for tomorrow :)
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does anyone here read new stuff??

Post by arwenavery »

cause im a poor student who usually trawls the second hand book stores ( thats how i discovered covenant) and recently recieved a present of a book token .....any suggestio :?: ns ????
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Reccomending the Otherland Series

Post by danlo »

Even tho I'm ALWAYS touting Neverness and the 3 books that follow--and now The Ea Cycle, that just started w/David Zindell's The Lightstone ---which is a Fantasy, as opposed 2 Neverness- Sci-fi, trilogy I have 2 recommend Otherland by Tad Williams. Otherland is a combination of Sci-fi, virtual reality and Fantasy. It will, eventually, consist of 4 books: the 1st book, City of Golden Shadows can be easily found @ most half-decent secondhand bookstores along w/William's fantastic Fantasy trilogy: Memory, Sorrow and Thorn: 1) The Dragonbone Chair, 2) Stone of Farewell and 3) To Green Angel Tower. I guarantee Covenant and LOTR fans alike will love that series! The paperback version of River of Blue Fire just came out and I have seen a hardbound edition of Mountian of Black Glass (being books 2 & 3 of Otherland) and even tho they were all written as one HUGE novel in 1998 the final book: Sea of Silver Light, 2 my knowledge has not been published, yet. I have not found anything about the author but from the way he writes I sorta assume he is British. The character !Xabbu in Otherland is 1 of the greatest ever created--like most Fantasies u guys seem 2 like there are plenty of important characters and about 4 of 5 subplots going on @ the same time. History lessons, comp talk, philosophy, role playing--crap there's all sorts of things in these books--takes u from WWI 2 near future 2 Alice in Wonderland, Mars and beyond! Talks about serious medical problems major environmental concerns, military, politics--everything! Like the Land the major characters get imprisoned in the matrix and must learn 2 find their way out! Beginning 2 spoil...
"Delivers a kaleidoscopic array of dreamscapes and nightmare worlds that form a setting for a complex tale of conspiracy and betrayal. Williams displays a prodigious talent for spinning multiple variations on a theme as he alternates between real and virtual worlds"
--Library Journal
as 2 other 2ndhand bookstore reccomendations Arwen, I think u need 2 get a little more specific, i.e. what r ur interests, what genres 2 u prefer...
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This week, I am mostly reading...

Post by Michael Giantfriend »

... the same History of World War 2 that I was reading last week...

... It's a bloody long book, let me tell ya!

...Plus, I was at a Drinking Sesh/Convention last weekend that my liver still hasn't recovered from...

... but I won a couple of books by Tom Holt, so I'll probably be reading them next...
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This week I am mostly..

Post by Prince of Amber »

Reading - Jack of Shadows (again) by Roger Zelazny, and once I've finished that I will start the Amber series again. I love his work and can not recommend it highly enough.
I will be hunting for David Zindell books at the weekend (thanks to Danlo for the reviews)
For a good dose of Sci-Fi I go for Julian May (The Many Coloured Land series is Wonderful)
And if Horror is your bag then The Necroscope books by Brian Lumly are just the thing.

I love reading History and I've recently finished a book about Gengis Khan and the Mongols, facinating to discover how close they got to Europe.
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Post by Vain »

I was just about to swipe the card through the Amazon side to order the series and then got to thinking. All the books I had read in the past (99%) were from second hand bookstores and had been read countless times and some had dog ears and little scribbled notes etc.

Invariably, they all had the book store owners stamp emblazoned (sp?) on the inside with the current price marked large and bold. What's the point? I think I actually enjoy reading 2nd hand books more than brand new ones.

Anybody out there with a set ina reasonable condition willing to part with them? (sacriledge I know :)) So I have to go and scour second hand stores on this island country - considering that the bookstore had ZERO stock - Tolkien abounded (go figure)

Well, I'm currently reading...

Post by Guest »

the Gormenghast Trilogy by Mervyn Peake (who I saw someone in the thread mention earlier). I'm just a little ways into the first book (Titus Groan) so I can't provide a review yet. During lunchtime at work, I'm reading an online English translation of the Kalevala, the Finnish epic poem (www.sacred-texts.com/neu/kveng/index.htm).
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Post by Vexis Larseker »

My last post went up as anonymous, and I know I logged in before posting.
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Post by arwenavery »

i saw the three part television thing that was done a few years ago with Jonathan Rhys Meyers ( bearing in mind my age ...Young) i wasn`t in a position to read the book as the only way i could get it was to buy it first hand ( WAY to expensive for my bookbuying habits)

so happy happy joy joy when i found my local library just got the trilogy in ..they keep it behind the desk and i get to read it every evening !!!!!!

anyone who didnt see teh series it is WELL worth a look if only for teh visuals!!!!

Im also half way through Titus Groan ......I Love It :oops:
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Post by Vain »

The television series was a bit of a disappointment. The imagery that Peake created of Gormenghast, and of Steerpike, the kitchen - everything - was so rich and vivid that I found the visualisation a bit disappointing (but that's just me :))

The Many Coloured Land is also a great series to read.

Also, after reading The Shadow of the Torturer, I was inspired to name my black cat after the torturer.
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Post by Skyweir »

MG~friend .. so you read Terry Goodkind's WFR? I have to agree with you re: Darken Rahl .. a very dark character .. and quite a dark book .. glad you enjoyed it!! .. albeit its share of darkness!!

Totally agree .. nothing comes close to the mysery and pain we as a race inflict on each other ..

I find the whole AH-Nazi anti-semetic (sp?) absolutely mind boggling .. that human beings can perpetrate such vile and relentless cruelty to other human beings .. of all ages .. just moves beyond my ability to understand ..

Currently I am reading .. Neverness by David Zindell .. because I was harrassed into it by a Zindell fan and having started it .. its not half bad!! Its really quite good .. I'm hooked into the story now .. and only after a very few pages .. I also want to read some more GRR Martin .. another excellent author ..
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Another Zindell Fan?

Post by danlo »

Any1 on the Watch suspect who in the worlds that could b? :P
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Post by Prince of Amber »

I think I said on the old board that the Game of Thrones books by George Martin are the best Fantasy I've read for a long time (not including the re-readings of the Chronicles of course :) )
They are huge in scope and full of fantastic characters, In some ways the grittyness of these books reminds me of David Gemmils work, but Martin weaves more complex plot lines and his writing style is much more colourful. Martin explores Human nature in what is essentially a story about power and corruption, the fantasy elements (dragons, zombies and a little sorcery) are secondary to the main themes of Regicide, incest, war and Knighthood (Knights in not so shiny armour)
The next book in the series A Feast of Crows is due out later in the year and I for one can not wait.
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Post by Skyweir »

agreed .. GRR Martin is excellent ..

:wink: .. and incidentally - really cool avatar ..
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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