Runes Of The Earth -- my thoughts

Book 1 of the Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

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ur-vile loremaster
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Runes Of The Earth -- my thoughts

Post by ur-vile loremaster »

Just finished it 5 minutes ago. I was so blown away by the news of the new series that after I bought Runes I re-read the previous 6 books so I'd be mentally ready to handle it. This took about 3 months (only had time to read for about 30 mins a day) but I finally got through them, then took another fortnight or so to do Runes. And here I am...

Well, I have to say I'm slightly disappointed, but here are my points for and against...

Points in favour
1) SRD's style is always a marvel.
2) Linden is a great character and I like the way her back story has been developed.
3) Esmer is a killer idea. So glad to hear what happened to Cail after WGW, and the idea of him having a son (and a completely messed-up one at that!) is genius.
4) Bringing in the Demondim was a good idea. I always wondered about the history of the Waynhim and the ur-viles and it's good to have that explored.
5) Roger Covenant being involved is another inspired idea from SRD.
6) Stave is great. All the best parts of the Chronicles happen when there's a butt-kicking Haruchai around. Bannor and Brinn were my heroes!

Points against
1) To me, Runes sorely lacks the richness and depth of the first two Chronicles, even if it's great to be back in the Land and revisiting so many great characters. Remember how gripping it was the first time you read about TC entering the Land in LFB? There's nothing like that sense of wonderment here.
2) It takes so long to get going! I was almost asleep until Esmer arrived.
3) The opening scenes in our world are ridiculous -- a cross between a horror story (lightning with fang eyes? yeah right!) and a cop thriller.
4) The occasional bit of swearing just seems out of place.
5) I always found it hard to give a damn about Joan.
6) Anele is boring.
7) Give me Giants!
8 ) Give me SANDGORGONS!!
9) I don't like the Haruchai being Masters. The idea that they would suppress Earthpower doesn't fit. It makes them look stupid, in fact.
10) Runes ends on a lame cliffhanger. TC is dead, dammit! Let's leave him that way.
11) Finally, the concept of Linden travelling back through time in the Land is just laughable, and worse, seems to me to be evidence of a lack of imagination/inspiration on SRD's part. Couldn't he think of a more original way for Linden to reclaim the Staff?

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but like all fanboys I have a lot of emotional investment in this series and demand perfection! I'd be interested to hear people's reactions to my points.
Eat my vitriol!
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Post by variol son »

Well, I don't have answers for all the reasons you disliked Runes of the Earth, but I think things like finding it hard to care about Joan or finding Anele boring are just down to personal taste.

I never liked Joan either, but I find the idea of her suffering and going mad because she knows deep down that her abandonment of Covenant to be wrong is captivating. SRD says that he strives to give his characters dignity and I believe (and sincerely hope) that he will manage this for Joan even as he did for Findail.

As for Anele, I see him as approaching Elena's dilemma in another way. The state of the Land in The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant can, in part, be attributed to Elena. Similarly, the state of the Land in The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant can be attributed in part to Anele. The difference is that Elena died and so got to look at the consequences of her actions with the knowledge of the Dead. Anele on the other hand lives in the consequences of his actions everyday, and this torments him. I believe Anele's redemption will be one of the truly great parts of the series.

I too want to see Giants, but unlike most fans of SRD, neither they nor the Haruchai numbered among my favourite characters/races. In fact, I find the Haruchai being the Masters of the Land completely logical. They have never used Earthpower themselves, except in swearing the Vow, and one could say in that case that the Earthpower acknowledged them in a way the never anticipated. Also, they are an extremely arrogant people, with only those who knew Covenant or Linden well (Bannor, Brinn, Cail and now Stave) breaking free of that. It will be interesting to see what becomes of them as a people.

I will agree with you about the lack of depth in the Land, although for me this seemed to enhance the idea of Kevin's Dirt, and the wrongness of it. I also felt the time travel aspects to borderline, though I feel that SRD handled them well. With the exception of the Demondim that is. I just found that too odd.

Finally, Covenant is still dead. Remember that. Lord knows he told Linden to remember it often enough. And we know from the reading SRD did from Fatal Revenant at Bubonicon that Linden doesn't hand over the Ring straight away, so it looks like she is taking his advice.

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Post by wayfriend »

Many, many other threads on this topic, UVM. Not to squash this one, but you may enjoy participating in those others.
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

Wayfriend wrote:Many, many other threads on this topic, UVM. Not to squash this one, but you may enjoy participating in those others.
Yeah, but it's fun to throw it all out there when you become a new member rather than divide your thoughts up on numerous threads.
It's like an opening statement.

Wayfriend is right though.
But don't be afraid to repeat yourself on other threads.
I do it many times. :D

Welcome aboard UL!

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Post by ur-vile loremaster »

High Lord Tolkien wrote:
Wayfriend wrote:Many, many other threads on this topic, UVM. Not to squash this one, but you may enjoy participating in those others.
Yeah, but it's fun to throw it all out there when you become a new member rather than divide your thoughts up on numerous threads.
It's like an opening statement.

Wayfriend is right though.
But don't be afraid to repeat yourself on other threads.
I do it many times. :D

Welcome aboard UL!
Thanks! I've been really impressed with the KW site and will investigate some more appropriate threads.
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Post by Usivius »

well, far be it for me not to pick up a gauntlet when it is at my feet.
;) :lol:
I verymuchstrenuously disagree with your notion about the first part of the book being boring! I felt myslef on the edge of my seat! (of course I am keeping in mind that this totally subjective...) When Roger is able to 'contact' his mother in that way... 8O ... shivers.... I loved the opening stuff and felt things kinda slowed down once Linden arrived in The Land.
But I enjoyed most of it all the way through. Your other thoughts about wanting more Sandgorgons, etc... patience young padewan, have faith in the Force .. uh, SRD in this case.
But the ending was great! Yah, of course Thomas is dead! He said it himself to Linden. This last appearance bodes woe... and since the Law of Death is broken, I am sure anything can happen now.... (antoher shiver)

SRD's writing style has matured and grown and I as much as I have enjoyed early writings (especially the 1st and 2nd Chrons) I am all for the way he now writes and enjoy it even more.

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Post by MsMary »

Hiya, ur-vile loremaster!

I have never liked Joan much as a character, either. In the second chronicles, she positively got on my nerves. But I am finding I like her much better in Runes. I am looking forward to the continuation of the story.

I have to agree with variol son about the Haruchai being the Masters. I found it totally logical and in character.

My final (and last, at least for this post ;)) point is that I don't find the idea of Joan going back in time laughable at all. I thought the whole idea fascinating. It made sense, in combination with the idea of Falls introduced in the story.
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Re: Runes Of The Earth -- my thoughts

Post by Spring »

ur-vile loremaster wrote:5) I always found it hard to give a damn about Joan.
6) Anele is boring.
7) Give me Giants!
8 ) Give me SANDGORGONS!!
My thoughts exactly.
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Post by tonyz »

I thought the opening was fantastic; it was the part after that I had problems with. I suppose I should re-read and see what I think in hindsight...
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Post by Xar »

I liked the book, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with it, myself... Joan has never been too much of a character for me, even when she showed up in the Second Chronicles, but truth be told, when Covenant gave up his life for her sake, I ended up thinking "well, if he can place such value on her life, then she must be worth it." So I kind of hoped that his sacrifice had saved her. Seeing her like that in the Last Chronicles made me sad at the thought that Foul's influence kept breaking her even after Covenant was dead. The poor woman deserves some peace of mind!

As for Anele, I don't think he's boring... I'm actually curious to get to know him - I mean, the real "him" - more, and know more about the heritage he was bestowed by Sunder and Hollian, among other things.

Even the feeling of "apathy" that permeates the Land - this feeling you get by reading the book, that nothing's happening, nothing has happened for a long time... that ties in beautifully with the concept of a stagnant Land where the Masters have deprived the people of the Land of all curiosity, lore, and reduced them to little more than innocent, child-like drones. Even the people of the Land during the Sunbane were more active than these - and I think the feeling is rendered perfectly.
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Post by kevinswatch »

Heh, I'm sorry for all of you Runes lovers, but I agree with most of ur-vile loremaster's points.

Stave and Esmer were definitely the best parts of Runes.

Although I still don't care for Linden, heh.

And SRD's writing was just top knotch for this book. I felt stupid simply reading it. I am in awe of his ability to put words together.

But Runes really didn't go fast enough for my tastes. Of course, yes, I know, it doesn't help that it took me a year to read it, heh. But I mean, honestly, much of the book consists of Linden sitting around "thinking" about what the hell is going on. Not enough action.

And yeah, I agree that Anele as a character sort of annoyed me.

And I agree that the whole Time Travel thing was just too silly for the Covenant series. Plus the way that SRD went about doing the whole Time Travel thing was rather strange and confusing, and not all that interesting.

Personally, the only times when I was really into the book was when Esmer was beating the crap out of someone, or when Stave was getting the crap beat out of himself.

And the last 50 pages were just agony. I could feel the build up to the big ending (with Covenant showing up), and it was just killing me that all Linden and Co. were doing was just wandering around Revelstone. That, and introduce that strange Mahdoubt character and have a couple of scenes where Liand hits on Linden. Heh.

I know SRD didn't intend this book to be simply an "introduction" to the rest of the series, but I'm sorry to say, it sure felt like it.

That's just my opinion, of course. And like I said, my opinion doesn't ammount for much anyway, since it took me over a year to read the stupid thing, heh.

Oh, but I do disagree with you about the Masters. Personally, I think the story of the Haruchai to be the most interesting part of the series as a whole. And when you put together the Haruchai stuborness, along with their concept of complete and total devotion, along with the fact that Covenant practically tells them to be Masters of the Land at the end of WGW, the whole Masters concept makes a little sense.

By the way, welcome to the Watch, ur-vile loremaster. Heh.-jay
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Post by Usivius »

Although I disagree with your opinion of Linden (she is my favourite character), I can understand it. Linden is a thinker THEN a doer. TC was always a moper, then a think about it a little, THEN a doer.

But I think you are right, Runes is a set up. Throw in the elements, get people to understand what a lethargic place The Land has become (in itself, lending to a 'boring' feeling if that is what you get), and then comes the storm......

:twisted: :D
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Post by kevinswatch »

Oh yeah, definitely. If nothing else, I'm excited to see where this series will go from the events that ended Runes. The last page opened up enough possibilities to make reading the rest of Runes worth while. I mean, I would have died if SRD kept dragging out the whole "Linden has to go save Jeremiah" thing as the main plot for the Last Chronicles. But now that Covenant and Jeremiah have showed up unexpectedly, all sorts of new twists can happen.-jay
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Post by matrixman »

I'm no big fan of time-travel stories per se, but that won't make me avoid the Last Chronicles by any means. SRD is a clever writer telling a story that's worth my time, regardless of the tricky mechanics of time manipulation.

In all the previous six books, the Arch of Time alone remained whole and unaffected by anything. It was one of the last sacred cows, if you will. SRD obviously feels that it's time to sacrifice this cow now, since the Last Chrons is after all about the end of everything, one way or another. He's serious about wrapping up this series, and no measley Arch of Time is going to stand in his way.

I agree, Runes is essentially an introduction to the rest of the grand story--similar, IMO, to the way that The Rhinegold was the introductory work that set up the other 3 operas in Richard Wagner's huge cycle, The Ring of the Nibelung.
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Post by Matthias »

no doubt this book was different than the others, but it was only the first of the four books of the Last Chronicles. giants, sandgorgons and those other good stuff will come later--i'm sure of it.

what irritated me about this book, though, was that it was so hard to get into. Usually, with one of his books, i could go on into the night reading and reading but with this.......i was almost reluctant to pick it up some times. I know, it sounds horrible and if i see a rather large lynch mob in the cul-de-sac outside my house, i'll know why. :wink:

Moreover, i did not particularly like Haruchai in this book. they irritated the heck out of me--especially the Voice of the Haruchai and Stave. :x i just wanted to scream at them. it would have been better if Stave had just died!!! :twisted: :evil: :D also, i felt the enmity between the haruchai and Ramen to be a little too aggrevating.

Esmer, as i found, was not as annoying as i thought he would be--just unpredictable. I couldn't see his motives at first and it took me a while to understand the whole "i'll do something good, but heck, because of who i am, i'll just have to do somethin' BAD!" and then i was more mad than irritated.

I saw so little of joan that i could not help but feel less compassionate for her, than i did for Linden--which, in her case, was little or no compassion :twisted:

Hence the end of the book....
chills went up my back immediately, but then my mind got thinking......and as i've listened to many different views around this forum, i've come to some conclusion: It's not the real TC, and it's definitely not the real Jeremiah. Or...because the laws of life and death are broken, he's back--and Jeremiah is completely possessed by a Raver or by Lord Foul himself.

I'll never know until Fatal Revenant comes out, i guess...
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Post by exnihilo »

My $.02
  • The book did not acquire the can't put down quality until about half way through.
  • I felt inudated with the minutae of Linden's thoughts within the first 20 pages. Confronted with her point of view exclusively, I never quite *trusted* her thoughts and opinions.
  • I agree with the opinion above that the book felt like a prologue or bridge to the rest of the series. I definitely got the feeling that SRD was setting the table for much more substantial action latter on. Not that time travel is exactly a walk in the park.
  • I hope that future volumes will break away from the Linden Avery narrative and introduce other POV.
  • I found the characters of Joan and Roger to be suspect as presented -- Roger in particular seems too archetypal and unmotivated as an apparently *evil* character. Consequently I have difficulty accepting either one of them as understood by Linden. I assume that there is a great deal more to be explained about the situation later.
  • I kept imagining Anele as a Gollum or Smeagol type character. I found him more annoying than pitiable -- Jeez, so you wrecked the world, stop whining about it already. Put a lid on that babble and start making sense before you get pimpslapped.
  • Not suprisingly, Stave made the biggest impression -- I cared when he declared his allegiance to Linden. However when I read her euphoric reaction I kept thinking, don't mistake it for friendship, sister.
  • I was a tad dismayed that the Illearth stone was brought back. Can't we have a new, never-before-seen peril, Steve? Must Foul stoop to repeating himself?
  • I fear that the whole time paradox business is going to become a can of worms as the series progresses. I hope SRD has thought everything out really, really well.
  • I apologize for bringing this up, but I kept thinking as I read, "Just how in the hell did everyone in the Land come to speak English?" Repeat mantra to self: this is a work of fantasy.
Enough for now.
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Post by lucimay »

that was fun!

what exnihilo said!!!
i so cannot "unpack"
the story this way and
i admire your ability to
do so! nice.
i'm with you on the POV!
and i also love your
bulletting! ha.
i have a character in a
story i'm writing that
speaks only in bulletts.
(am i spelling that right?)
anyway, i really enjoyed
reading that and hope you
will continue to provide
your interesting opinion
as the series progresses
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to one of them?
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Post by Tjol »

I believe Runes was written as a prequel. It would be the first of the Covenant series that wasn't a stand alone story, but maybe it's necessary to lay all that backdrop to make the most of the rest of the series.

That being said, I thought the opening was well done. In order for ethical dilemmas to feel like dilemmas, you have to create a sense of their actually being a consequence for good or evil. Roger's actions help make that happen.

I thought the story itself was also interesting... in the way that each of the peoples of the land is ignorant to evil. The second chronicles were potent because the people were corrupted. The last chronicles may have more depth though in the journey out of ignorance.

Little details were somewhat annoying... for example I don't get Esmer's point of being there, I don't see why time travel was the only way to find the staff... but overall I very much look forward to the rest of the series.
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Post by exnihilo »

Thanks, Lucimay! I appreciate your kind words. :oops: ;)
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Post by lucimay »

you're more advanced than a cockroach,
have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
the fold - searching for our
lost cities of gold. burnt tar,
gravel pits. sixteen gears switch.
Haphazard Lucy strolls by.
~ dennis r wood ~
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