The Anti-Hero

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The Anti-Hero

Post by peter »

The UK courts yesterday heard the case of a homeless man who had been begging outside the Manchester Arena when the bomb that killed 23 people and injured over 500. Chris Parker had been directly outside the venue as crowds exited the Ariana Grande concert and was one of the first to rush in to (ostensibly) help the many wounded and dying victims of the blast. Hailed as a hero in the press a crowd funding site established in his benefit soon raised over fifty thousand pounds to help him out of his plight. But alas, all was not as it seemed; footage soon emerged of Parker taking photos of the victims and worse, actually removing some purses and wallets from the injured's pockets as he assisted them. Summing up prior to conviction yesterday the Judge told Parker that he could expect a custodial sentence when it is duly passed. The news media have torn Parker to shreds blasting him as "Hero to Zero", and he has been told he will receive none of the money raised by the site, which will be returned to the donators in due course.

It's a salutary tale and seems to me to contain so many contradictions and inconsistencies, as well as penetrating illuminations on the nature of the society we have created, that I think it worthy of deep analysis. My absolute first thought on hearing the report on last night's news was " No - not 'hero to zero' , zero to zero, which is very different; secondly I thought about the irony of punishing a homeless man by putting him under four walls and a roof. Parker clearly broke the rules; hero's are supposed to be squeaky clean - he was supposed to be a victim oh circumstances that showed his angelic center in the face of the horror perpetrated that day, and when he failed to live up to that story line he was roasted for it. People were unable to see that, like Threnardier in Les Miserables, he still remained acutely human, and selfish to his own extremity even in the face of the horrendous suffering of those he was trying to help. So he photographed the scene on his phone; in an age where everyone has their phone to hand at all times is there any suprise that someone would attempt to introduce an aspect of normality into the bedlam, a thin wall between himself and the horror. How many others I wonder did the same, but with no accounting for it. Journalists do it every day, yet the papers were his roundest critics.
And what does this crowdfunding situation tell us about ourselves? We'll help you, no we won't. We love you, no we don't. How shallow and vacuous is the level of our charitable nature when it is withdrawn because the dog we chose to support turned out not to because nice doggy after all. It seems to me that the only thing of consistency throughout this whole sorry tale has been Parker himself.
Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

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Post by Avatar »

Nothing is more disturbing to us than finding out that our illusions are just that...

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Post by Skyweir »

Well said Av

It is true. Im not sure it makes him an anti hero.. just not the hero he was perceived to be.

You make a good point Pete in this day everyone whips out their phones. Just like all the rubber necking that occurs at the scene of an accident or incident like the bombing.

But tbh in certain circumstances that in itself can present a huge problem for emergency services re response times, clearing people out, moving people on, getting services where there needed.

Rummaging through victims pockets, stealing is criminal. That he should be charged with. I dont see a contribution to the greater good through actions of that kind.

The idiots who placed him on a hero pedastal are the ones that erred imho. Did he help people out of the stadium Did he save people from harm. Well if so that should go some way to mitigating sentencing but do not alter his felonious behaviour and intent.

The average Joe rushes to conclusions before discovery has ascertained the facts. Thats a problem that often results in misconceptions.

It is really as Av said. That is the source of public discontent.
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Post by peter »

From the reports they have (grudgingly) allowed that he did actually help some people, but as it does not chime well with the media need for black and white heroes or villains this aspect has been played down in the reporting. I'm guessing that the judge will take as balanced a view as is possible when sentencing, and somehow I doubt he'll be jailed for long. I am appalled by his actions - but cognisant of the dreadful extremes that western society's untouchables must go to in order to survive as well. No simple solutions here - just victims all the way down.
Your politicians screwed you over and you are suprised by this?

....and the glory of the world becomes less than it was....
'Have we not served you well'
'Of course - you know you have.'
'Then let it end.'

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Post by Skyweir »

I am sure and hope youre right Pete.

Leniency in the light of the good he did will likely be taken into consideration to mitigate his sentence.

Society has a penchant for romanticism over reality. And I get that. But we ascribe specific qualities to the designation hero. Im not suggesting heros dont exist but they are still human after all. It is what Ive always loved about Donaldson when he penned Covenant. A loathsome character but a real character with layers like an onion. Shameless Shrek reference there 😏

Humans are rarely perfect. There are amazing individuals without a doubt but most people are shades of grey. Thats not a bad thing it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️

Then there are some that seem bound for a hell of their own making in every respect but then turn things around or redeem themselves. Im not religious anymore but redemption is a concept associated with religious judgement and reward. Individuals I believe individuals can and do redeem themselves in their own eyes and in the eyes of their friends and family and sometimes beyond these small groups.

There is so much hopelessness in this reality. We can only endeavour to ease it where we can. Drop a few extra dollars into a buskers cap, buy lunch for a homeless dude, taken a homeless dude shopping (no lol to buy him food if you not comfortable giving money. Or vote with your social conscience, or as some do, pretend it doesnt exist and its not your problem 🤷‍♀️

We have a lot of druggies in Civic and rather than give them money I will do this. It is systemic .. so tricky
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

'Smoke me a kipper .. I'll be back for breakfast!'

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