Navy is no longer dismissing UFOs

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Navy is no longer dismissing UFOs

Post by Zarathustra »

Navy is no longer dismissing UFOs
. . . Since 2014, these intrusions have been happening on a regular basis," Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told The Washington Post on Wednesday. Recently, unidentified aircraft entered military-designated airspace as often as multiple times per month.

. . .

the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it "the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades."

. . .

Aside from drones, all engines rely on burning fuel to generate power, but these vehicles all had no air intake, no wind and no exhaust.

"It's very mysterious, and they still seem to exceed our aircraft in speed," he said, calling it a "truly radical technology."

. . .

"Imagine you see highly advanced vehicles, they appear on radar systems, they look bizarre, no one knows where they're from. This happens on a recurring basis, and no one does anything," said Mellon, who now works with UFODATA, a private organization. Because agencies don't share this type of information, it's difficult to know the full extent of activity. Still, he estimated that dozens of incidents were witnessed by naval officers in a single year, enough to force the service to address the issue.

"Pilots are upset, and they're trying to help wake up a slumbering system," he told The Post.

. . .

Elizondo, who also ran AATIP, said the newly drafted guidelines were a culmination of many things. Most notably: that the Navy had enough credible evidence - including eyewitness accounts and corroborating radar information - to "know this is occurring."

"If I came to you and said, 'There are these things that can fly over our country with impunity, defying the laws of physics, and within moments could deploy a nuclear device at will' - that would be a matter of national security."

With the number of U.S. military people in the Air Force and Navy who described the same observations, the noise level could not be ignored.

"This type of activity is very alarming," Elizondo said, "and people are recognizing there are things in our aerospace that lie beyond our understanding."
Scroll to the bottom of this article for some of the best footage of UFOs ever taken.

But, in my opinion, this video is the absolute best.

There is clearly a shift in the government's stance on this issue. For years, people have complained that they're hiding the evidence from us, but now they're RELEASING evidence for UFOs. This is because of an unprecedented increase in sightings from military experts, including pilots dispatched to chase these things, who are trained in identifying enemy aircraft. What they're seeing is unlike anything known to exist on earth, by their own admission. These objects move much faster than any known craft, and seem to defy the laws of physics by having no apparent propulsion system. They leave no wake in the air or the water (when flying close to the ocean). There is no heat signature of exhaust. And they make turns that would kill any human occupant.

If it's a drone, then it flies with some propulsion system unknown to science, at speeds much greater than our fastest jets. These objects are not optical illusions or weather phenomena, because we can track them with radar.

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Post by samrw3 »

Fascinating. I guess I am skeptic on these things. But some of the videos are very convincing. Also I was one of the 1,000's of people that saw the Phoenix Lights [Which has mostly been discounted as optical illusion or multiple planes or flares] But when I saw it in person it was very odd occurrence leaving my mind more open.

I think why most people are hard skeptics is because they has been such much debunked. Also because some of the people that believe/tell stories are not typically the most credible. So the assumption is to not believe because so much negative stereotypes have been infiltrated.

I did like the video you selected.

I guess that thing that bothers me the most - similar to many people - is why some UFO would just skim around our planet just to disappear and never be heard from again. If some advanced technology just not reported then holy crud - when is that technology going to be revealed. If other other-worldly - what the heck are the just cruising by our planet?
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Post by Zarathustra »

samrw3 wrote: I guess that thing that bothers me the most - similar to many people - is why some UFO would just skim around our planet just to disappear and never be heard from again. If some advanced technology just not reported then holy crud - when is that technology going to be revealed. If other other-worldly - what the heck are the just cruising by our planet?
I'm guessing they are probes. But your question assumes that this is all they are doing, because this is all that we know. Others might know more.

Are you saying that they'd make a dramatic entrance/introduction? I would think that such an event would necessitate careful consideration and study. Maybe we're in the studying phase.
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

I can understand having no apparent propulsion system--a gravitic drive--but how is it possible to leave no wake in either air or water?

We had better take UFOs seriously. Even if only 1 in 1,000 UFOs--anything which you cannot identify right away is classified as "ufo", even if it originated on Earth--come from somewhere else that is enough evidence to point to the fact that eventually they *will* be here. Our own history shows us that when society A meets society B and society B has the higher level of technology, society A will either be wiped out or "destroyed" via assimilation and ceases to exist.

Definitive proof of intelligent non-terrestrial life will invalidate much terrestrial theology almost overnight. I am uncertain if we are ready for that much culture shock but we need to become ready.
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Post by Zarathustra »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote: Our own history shows us that when society A meets society B and society B has the higher level of technology, society A will either be wiped out or "destroyed" via assimilation and ceases to exist.
And yet there exist a multitude of societies on earth with differing levels of technology. Just because you can point to specific examples of one society wiping out another here on earth doesn't mean that this is a universal rule in the entire universe. It's not even universal in our own history, on this one planet.

If these are alien craft, I think the fact that they've been carefully watching, without an overwhelming, definitive appearance, argues against the danger of us being wiped out, either directly or indirectly.

Much of the destruction on our planet, whether it's primitive societies or natural ecosystems, have been unintentional, depending upon a lack of knowledge, wisdom, and resources. People have been too ignorant and/or needy to worry about larger issues. This wouldn't apply to aliens capable of interstellar spaceflight. They obviously don't lack resources or knowledge.

As limited and short-sighted as we are, there are many of us who value life and conservation/preservation. There is nothing about our own behavior which would lead one to believe that more advanced aliens would have less empathy, or value life less.
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Post by Vraith »

Hashi Lebwohl wrote:I can understand having no apparent propulsion system--a gravitic drive--but how is it possible to leave no wake in either air or water?

will either be wiped out or "destroyed" via assimilation and ceases to exist.

Definitive proof of intelligent non-terrestrial life will invalidate much terrestrial theology almost overnight.

I am uncertain if we are ready for that much culture shock but we need to become ready.
On the first, people are working on---and have had decent success---shape and surface texture/friction-reduction in our own things to limit wakes. But yea---total elimination at the apparent speeds?? Hard problem.

On the second--intentional war/genocide/oppression, I'm not a fan. But cultures/civilizations ALSO cooperate, coordinate, trade, hybridize with each other...AND eat themselves, not just each other. Evolution/adaptation is a better kind of death than failure to do so...but it's still just another kind of ceasing.

On the third...HAH...except for Scientology! Those fuckers claim they ARE aliens [and god-ish, too!]. Any real decent aliens will make sure to put them in their place first...the most evil and biggest liars.
But if you think it will really change the theological...nah. Not a chance. Pretty much all of it has already been invalidated. People still follow it. Some by denying reality, some by changing the theology so it barely resembles itself. But it doesn't go away, at least so far.

On the last...I think many ARE ready for such a "shock." Because for most of history, change was basically unnoticeable...but that's shifted. Now, we're getting used to change.
---- Some aren't---that's what's going on with all the tribalism and nationalist/racist/religist conflict/warring/immigrant-hating.
Those folk will most likely die off, or be sidelined. [there is a non-zero chance a lot of people and countries will fail to adapt and cause a mini-"dark age," but in the end they'll cease to exist]----
But fluidity/adaptation to change/adaptation itself...that's what we're in the middle of. So we're a little ready...another 50 years [[which will likely have more change than all of human history before it]], we'll be mostly ready as can be expected.

BUT---on topic.
I still doubt.
I don't know what it [they?] are...but I just can't see it as aliens.
If the supposed craft can do what they're SEEN to do, then they'd be able to be not seen AT ALL.
So they must be being seen on purpose. But not clearly...not definitively,..hell, we don't know a single damn thing about them. Just what they "appear" NOT to be...people-made things/tech.
Why the hell would they do that to us? Most of the reasons I've seen proposed reduce to silly or "That's pretty dickish shit to do."
So I don't deny [especially since I'm thoroughly convinced intelligent life exists, and probably a whole lot of it]
But I doubt they're HERE.
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Post by Avatar »

Generally sceptical myself, but more in terms of the probability of contact than the existence of extra-terrestrial life.

The universe is a damn big place. Seems highly likely that other life exists. Very unlikely that any of it will ever find each other though.

That said, it's hard to think of other explanations for some of these phenomena.
Hashi Lebwohl wrote:
Definitive proof of intelligent non-terrestrial life will invalidate much terrestrial theology almost overnight. I am uncertain if we are ready for that much culture shock but we need to become ready.
Well, the religions will probably figure some loop-hole. :D

Have always thought though that it would be a great boon to inter-religious/cultural/racial/whatever relations, because whatever else, at least we'll all be humans together. :D

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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

Excellent comments.

I am still of the opinion that "definitive proof of non-terrestrial life with a sufficiently advanced technology" will be the single greatest disruptive event we could have and *not* have to worry about a mass extinction event (reference the meteor strike I always talk about). Even if these beings were not warlike (either because they simply don't think that way or we aren't worth the effort), trading with them would, itself, cause a lot of conflict: when one nation trades for non-Newtonian propulsion and its neighbors do not have it then that nation just jumped ahead by a light-year in progress.

On a tangentially-related topic to that...the Wakandans in the MCU are assholes and have been for a long time. Did they just sit by while their neighbors were colonized at gunpoint and/or exploited for personal or natural resources?

Anyway, as far as "they are here but only watching" is concerned...that means that the aliens are browsing the Internet. All of it. *yeesh*
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Post by peter »

I don't think that the discovery of extraterrestrial life/intelligence will invalidate much terrestrial theology overnight at all. I'm not a theologian so clearly can't strip the discipline down to the parts that might be inavlidated and those bits unaffected, but in the broad, feel that whatever arguments exist in favour of belief will continue to exist, if writ larger than they currently are at present, after the event. Some crude geocentric perspectives might have to be rethought - but in the main I think these have already been jetisoned in the face of acceptance of scientific fact many moons ago. I think you have to remember that it is science (these days) that has the problem acommodating religion and not the other way around. Religion has persisted in the face of, and become perfectly comfortable dealing with science - it is science that struggles to deal with religion. Wherever science goes, be it extraterrestrial life or otherwise, theology will expand to accommodate it. The loopholes that Av refers to are just this accomodation: the *whole* of theology is a loophole - a giant loophole to explain the impossible - for whatever is explained by science, the enexplained will always sit beyond it and this is the domain of theology until the next push by science into its territory. But the unexplained will always stretch out beyond it, infinitely receding into the distance.

I bet if we ever encountered those extraterrestrial intelligences we'd find that they are just as steeped in belief and faith as we are - and all that space-hopping won't have altered it one iota!

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Post by FindailsCrispyPancakes »

Whatever your UFO's are, they're not under the command of alien beings. If an object has mass, it can only travel at velocities slower than c, the speed of light in a vacuum. To accelerate any mass to velocity c would require more energy than exists in the universe.

An object travelling at velocities faster than c would not be subject to causality. You've then got to resort to the existence of closed timelike curves. Problem is, if that were the case you wouldn't be living in this universe.

By the way, even if your UFO made of matter was travelling at just 10% of the speed of light and hit a grain of dust it would cease to exist.

As for spacecraft travelling through wormholes... that's a ridiculous suggestion normally made by people who watch too much Star Trek and have no idea what a wormhole (Einstein-Rosen bridge) is.

Whatever the funny lights in the sky may be, they're not ET.
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Post by peter »

Are you saying that there is no place left in what we don't yet know, in what we have left to discover, that could leave space for a discovery of how long distance space-travel might be achievable? That seems like a mighty bold statement about the place of our current levels of understanding in relation the total of what there is to be known out there is - but in fairness I have no expertise to make an assessment of it's likelihood of being correct. But even taking the statement in terms of say 'normal' travel from point A to point B, be they ever so far apart (and by normal I'm meaning by acceleration from point A, traveling through space in an ordinary way such as a car travels along a road and then decelerating, presumably from a near c speed to point B - no bending space or fancy stuff)......does it also hold for say, things along the lines of crossing between the dimensions of our universe, or indeed between other parallel universes - stuff that we (if I have it correctly, which I very likely don't ;) ) are only now beginning to get a handle on and that might be able to contain explanations for said 'flying saucers'.
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Post by Skyweir »

Ok will leave the sciencey detail to you intellectual types 😉

But am intrigued by the notion that alien contact or discovery could dismantle the school of theology. How truly fascinating.

What such a discovery would do to the very paradigm believers adhere to. From experience on a minor scale comparatively... when I went through my 😉 awakening 😉 it was met with a furore of apologism. So theres definitely a deep psychology embedded in ... belief paradigms.

A believer will always attempt to rationalise conflicting data. So theres that. 😉 AND they will also apply blinders to not have to see conflicting and challenging reality.

But what of the entire field of theology? How would it survive as academic thought with a knowledge of extraterrestrial life AND superior technology to enter human space.,

Its big business.. religion 😉😎 cant see that surrendering its hold on the marketplace as a result of irrefutable knowledge. Interesting dilemma for sure.
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Post by peter »

Absolutely sure Sky, it would simply move the goal-posts. Above a certain level, origin theorising is I think going to be intrinsic to self-awarenss, so assuming any visiting alien had this as well as intelligence (because as AI will demonstrate, the two are not inseperable), then it follows that they will have theology of their own to throw into the mix.
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Post by Skyweir »

You are Im sure correct Pete 🤔
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Post by Avatar »

FindailsCrispyPancakes wrote:Whatever your UFO's are, they're not under the command of alien beings. If an object has mass, it can only travel at velocities slower than c, the speed of light in a vacuum. To accelerate any mass to velocity c would require more energy than exists in the universe.

An object travelling at velocities faster than c would not be subject to causality. You've then got to resort to the existence of closed timelike curves. Problem is, if that were the case you wouldn't be living in this universe.

By the way, even if your UFO made of matter was travelling at just 10% of the speed of light and hit a grain of dust it would cease to exist.

As for spacecraft travelling through wormholes... that's a ridiculous suggestion normally made by people who watch too much Star Trek and have no idea what a wormhole (Einstein-Rosen bridge) is.

Whatever the funny lights in the sky may be, they're not ET.
Not that I disagree per se, but sure relativistic (or near-relativistic) speeds are not the only option for inter-stellar travel?

Wouldn't we at least have to consider the possibility of worm-hole type connections, teleportation, inter-dimensional travel, etc. etc?

Not to mention that physical science in extra-terrestrial civilisations may have proceeded along entirely different lines...

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Post by Skyweir »

Why of course .. indeed could well be along extremely different lines than human science and technological evolution entirely.
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Post by peter »

I bet when we encounter something beyond our own sphere of life/intelligence/world, it will be something that comes upon us by chance rather than design. It'll be some thing or force that sits wholly and completely beyond our current knowledge, such that the problems respecting speeds of light and time etc just don't play a role in it at all. The reality is that while we know lots - and we do - about the Laws that govern being and existence, this pales into insignificance compared to what we do not know, and it is from this place that the surprises will come.
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Post by aTOMiC »

Suppose that the UFO's speed and movement doesn't affect its surroundings because it is indeed a probe that is only partially occupying physical space.

Imagine an advanced technology that behaves similarly to how we use Google Earth / Street View. Unlike Google Earth which is a virtual representation of the Earth built with differing levels of photographic and physical digital data this ultra-advanced tech projects a semi-physical probe into our atmosphere from another solar system or any other great distance and gives the user real time presence and information of its target. The movement of the probe seems to defy the laws of physics because, though it is visible to observers at the target location, it isn't truly corporeal the way we understand physicality. Sort of like using a laser pointer to target an aircraft flying overhead but you are able to see into the cockpit via the tip of the laser beam and acquire information about it's contents, structure and composition without being physically present.

This sort of probe would obviously leave no trace behind but, for whatever reason, is unavoidably visible to us under certain circumstances.

Just imagine the information this kind of technology would make available to its users. A civilization could project probes out to any location in the galaxy and collect data real-time from hundreds or thousands of points of interest at the same time without the need to be physically present. Risk of life and limb and years of space travel would be unnecessary and the astro-physical knowledge of such a civilization would be a thousand times greater than our own, and growing constantly.

Just a thought.
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Post by Skyweir »

Wow a phenomenally fascinating thought 😉
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Practical Physics

Post by FindailsCrispyPancakes »

Avatar wrote:
Not that I disagree per se, but sure relativistic (or near-relativistic) speeds are not the only option for inter-stellar travel?

Wouldn't we at least have to consider the possibility of worm-hole type connections, teleportation, inter-dimensional travel, etc. etc?

Not to mention that physical science in extra-terrestrial civilisations may have proceeded along entirely different lines...



Quantum teleportation exploiting the EPR paradox is only possible after quantum entangling two quantum systems to a state of maximal entanglement and then separating them. Any change made to system A will instantaneously affect system B if the systems are still maximally entangled.

Unfortunately this is not a transport system for matter in any way.


Quantum teleportation is the principle behind wormholes. Take two separate quantum systems of approximately 3 solar masses each. Somehow quantum entangle them to a state of maximal entanglement and then collapse them down to black holes that share a singularity but do not merge.

Then (at normal speeds) spend billions of years separating your two black holes over the enormous distance of space you want to cross instantaneously while sustaining a state of maximal entanglement between them.

Now all you have to do is hope there's something called negative matter that might exist very close to the surface of black hole horizons. Harvest your negative energy and then just as you jump into black hole A, add exactly the right amount of negative energy to stop your mass/energy collapsing the wormhole.

After that, all you have to do is survive a journey round a black hole singularity and you should theoretically be able to pop out of black hole B just as soon as you've worked out how to escape a black hole.

That's quite a lot of impossible (or almost certainly impossible) stuff.


This is not an easy subject to discuss. I assume this is about spatial/time dimensions, but I've made that mistake in the past. If this is a parallel universe thing, that's the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics... another subject entirely!
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