Dr. Strange and the Mirror Dimension

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Lazy Luke
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Dr. Strange and the Mirror Dimension

Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: As I was saying ...

Luke: Sorry to interrupt, but noone is listening.

Lazy: Then does it really matter? Besides, I have my reasons.

Luke: Well that's your call. I still say it's a waist of time.

Lazy: Anyway ... as I was saying, Dr.Strange and the Mirror Dimension.
Rather interesting, don't you think!

Luke: Ok. Why is it interesting?

Lazy: Remember when we were doing that transpersonal pychology course, and we had to build the inner room. You know ... through the wardrobe ... down the spiral staircase ... in through the hidden door?

Luke: Ah ha.

Lazy: And remember how the more we visited the inner room, the more we furnished it the more comfortable it became, until,
our outer room slowly transformed. Like how what is within is without?

Luke: Ah ha.

Lazy: And remember how we always said that this was essentially the key to
quitting smoking?

Luke: YES. Can you please get on with it!

Lazy: Well, the Mirror Dimension in the Dr.Strange movie can also work
wonders. As if it were an opposite to the inner room, the Mirror Dimension ...

Luke: Sorry to interupt again, but isn't that just DC comic stuff, or CGI movie stuff,
that has no bearing on real life?

Lazy: If you'll allow me to continue ... strange as it may seem, since visiting the Mirror Dimension my sugar intake has more than halfed.
Which, like smoking, was the primary goal in resuming the second part
of the course.

Luke: OK, fair enough, I had been thinking for a while how too much
sugar in the diet is unhealthy. But if you remember, it took almost a year
to quit smoking. You've only visited the Mirror Dimension a few times!

Lazy: Precisely. Strange isn't it!

Luke: ...

Lazy: So I was thinking, what if ...

Luke: The proof of the pudding, and all that ...

Lazy: Yeah ... furnish the Mirror Dimension ..

Luke: Way ahead of you ...

Lazy: If I may interrupt. Who cares?

Luke: AH HA!

Lazy: Oh yeah ... ha ha ha ha
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

I have an inner room, somewhat akin to a memory palace but definitely still a work in progress. It is a Fallout-style Vault with many amenities and I am beginning to link information to items found there. I try to visit it daily as part of the building process.
The Tank is gone and now so am I.
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Post by Avatar »

I can't do stuff like that. Aphantasia and all...can't visualise anything.

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Post by Skyweir »

Wow thats tragic .. but guess as its your norm you wouldnt know any different
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

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Post by Avatar »

Yeah, it's really not tragic. :)

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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: So where the hell have you been?

Luke: Busy ... wots up!

Lazy: Wos wonderin' what to make of this:
Hashi Lebwohl wrote:I have an inner room, somewhat akin to a memory palace but definitely still a work in progress. It is a Fallout-style Vault with many amenities and I am beginning to link information to items found there. I try to visit it daily as part of the building process.
Luke: So what. He plays Fall Out.

Lazy: Fall Out?

Luke: Yeah, its a video game. He's on about his Pip-Boy.

Lazy: Really! I thought he was talking about some kinda 'memory map'.

Luke: I very much doubt that. His avatar was once the Dr.Strangelove character. You know, the bloke that was always sniffin' his finger.

Lazy: That's gross. So he's being rude?

Luke: No. Just joshin with ya!

Lazy: ...

Luke: So what have you been up to?

Lazy: Hahaha ... Mirror Dimension stuff, numbnuts.

Luke: Numbnuts! ... oh yeah, hahahahaha

Lazy: Interestingly, channeling energy through the muscles surrounding
the eyes and turning conceptional vision inwards can enhance further energy flow through the brain.

Luke: ...

Lazy: <sigh> Its being aware of many secondary chakras throughout the skull. Third Eye Ajna can become more multidimentional and
held in abience without danger of drastic imbalance.

Luke: ...

Lazy: Absolutely mind blowin' with no better way to start the day!

Luke: <grin>

Lazy: Its also fascinating, what might connect the tearducts to the heart, and sad really, that so many can be imprisoned by sadness.

Luke: Mmm ... I'd like to know more.

Lazy: Me too.

Luke: BTW, this just in on the radar: Mirror system
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke wrote:Luke: BTW, this just in on the radar: Mirror system
Lazy: Yeah, that's pretty chilled. Strange though.

Luke: Why strange?

Lazy: Cos, it's similar to the song I'm working on.

Luke: Well yeah, but you did think it was kind of System 7'ish.

Lazy: I know. But of all the songs to listen to I plucked that one
straight from the discography list without any preludiction.

Luke: Duh! It has the title 'lazy'.

Lazy: ...

Luke: Preludiction?

Lazy:<sigh> Sampling.

Ok, the tempo is more chilled, but, the vocal pads and guitar stabs are alike.

Luke: Maybe so. But I still say your over-thinking.

Lazy: Meh ... anyway cheers for that. It gave me lots of ideas.

Luke: That's quite all right, Matey.

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Post by Skyweir »

Youre a little bit scary Lazy πŸ˜‰

Think HP Ron commenting of Hermoine πŸ˜›πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

'Smoke me a kipper .. I'll be back for breakfast!'

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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke: Your scary Lazy,

Lazy: Buzz of fartknocker.

Luke: No. Your a fartknocker.

Lazy: Buttmunch.

Luke: Turd burglar.

Lazy: ... hahahahahaha!

Luke: Who's HP Ron and Hermoine?

Lazy: How the bloody hell should I know!

Luke: Oh yeah ... hahhahahahahhahhahahh
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke: Gee, that was some crazy caucus race.

Lazy: ...eh, a what?

Luke: Oh go back to sleep!

Lazy: ...
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: :lol:

Luke: What are you laughing at!
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Post by Skyweir »

Also a tad with the crazy lazy πŸ˜‰
keep smiling 😊 :D 😊

'Smoke me a kipper .. I'll be back for breakfast!'

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Post by Lazy Luke »

Skyweir wrote:Also a tad with the crazy lazy πŸ˜‰
Lazy: Eh?
Luke: Your guess is as good as mine!

Lazy: So, did you enjoy Aquaman?
Luke: You betcha ... will you watch it to the finish?
Lazy: Later's.

Lazy: What was your favourite bit, so far?
Luke: The Atlantean grotto. It reminded me of those imaginative meditation exercises and them jellyfish that washed the brain.
Lazy: That's bonkers, matey!
Luke: Oh sure, it sounds bonkers. But so very refreshing.
What was your favourite bit?

Lazy: Same differance...when King Atlan appears in the Sahara caverns.
Only it reminded me of Genesis', Match of the Day.

Luke: That's bonkers, matey!

Lazy: ... :R
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy Luke wrote:Lazy: ... :R
Luke: Hey, that's pretty good that song.

Lazy: Yeah, though not sure why the scene with King Atlan would remind me of an old Genesis 45" B side.

Luke: The line, "Oh - Look out, here comes a bottle", yeh think!

Lazy: ...

Luke: Then there was a green bottle with a map inside!

Lazy: ...

Luke: That lead them to Sicily and the statue of Romulus, the first King of Rome.

Lazy: Nah, you've lost me there.

Luke: FOOTIE!!!

Lazy: I don't know. It's all a bit far fetched. Still, those jellyfish have evolved. Cooler, clearer, swirling water with all new improved foam!

Luke: You can say that again. Woke me up at 3:30am they did.

Lazy: No kiddin'

Luke: Yeah, wiseass ... :lol: ... no kiddin'
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: So what was so strange about the moon this morning?

Luke: ...

Lazy: Ah come on, tell me.

Luke: ...

Lazy: Pleeeeeeeeeese!

Luke: No, you'll laugh.

Lazy: I won't. Promise.

Luke: It had a face that looked oddly like Dennis the Menace.
You know, a shadow frown with two D-shaped shadow eyes.

Lazy: Really! So what's strange about that?

Luke: Well, when I got into work, and was having a hot chocolate in the canteen before the start of the shift, there was a Dundee SNP politician being interviewed on the BBC breakfast news.

Lazy: ...

Luke: See! Told you that you'd laugh.

Lazy: Imn otlau ghing.

Luke: I'm outta here.

Lazy: :haha:
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke: Why so funny anyway?

Lazy: Just that you missed out the moonlight shining through the window onto the drum pads.

Luke: Moon magic?

Lazy: Earth magic!

Luke: How did you like the Mary Magdelene film?

Lazy: Eh! ... ah, OK. I found it irritating.

Luke: How so?

Lazy: I spoke about this before on Kevinswatch. The idea that the human spirit, or soul, is like a tree. Nobody got it.

I did like how the film focused on the parable of the Mustard Seed. So this made sense.

Luke: I liked the music. Very subtle, very minimal. And the very last sounds we hear as the credits roll to a finish is the twirping of little birds.

Lazy: I liked the implications of Mary Magdelene being more than an apostle.
That there could well have been a child, and a bloodline. Maybe even an escape from the Romans. India perhaps.

Luke: That means Judas had to have taken Christ's place on the cross - so the Romans would never suspect they had been duped.

Lazy: He did hang himself. Figuratively?

Luke: There's no direct evidence of this in any of the gospels. That kind of knowledge would need to be hidden deep within the parables.
And I'm sure even the Gospel of Judas would be no less illusive.

Lazy: Or the Gospel of Mary Magdelene.

Luke: Eh!!!

Lazy: ...

Luke: ...
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: You know, my head is still reeling!

Luke: You mean, understanding why Thomas Covenant spread his arms wide before the One Tree ...

Lazy: ... as Seadreamer broke off the ...

Luke: ... the branch?

Lazy: Yeah, "a galaxy of stars!"

Luke: Well, not really. I'm sure you had only imagined it.

Lazy: You think?

Luke: Stands to reason. The Wurm would've had to awaken completely, and the Land to have been ripped apart, in order to release all of those stars. And as far as I can tell, that never happened.

Lazy: I see your point. The imagination sure is a powerful thing.

But what if the Wyrm were to tear apart the Earth. Would Revelstone set sail across space and time, with Andelain following in a swirl of blinding light?

Luke: Who knows! Maybe you should start a thread.

Lazy: Start a thread ... :haha: ... that's a goodin.
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke: So to get back on topic, how's the sugar fixation coming along?

Lazy: Well, switching from white cane to brown sugar only increased the amount of coffee to less tea!

Luke: Ok. I have some ideas you may be able to use.
When you reach that meditational plateau - just like in, Caverns Ornate and Majestic:
...in the centre of the space, a fountain of ice spouted towards the distant ceiling. Yet no current flowed. No bead fell. The ice was so motionless that it seemed sealed in time rather than in cold.
- think of the clear blissful fountain water more like sparkling grains of liquified sugar.
This I'm sure will ease the current fixation just as transpersonal psychology ceased the craving for nicotine.

Lazy: That sounds like a good idea. However, I'm not too keen on presenting chakra energy in the form of an external sugar fountain, without that is, some kind of antivirus. To be sure, you understand.

Luke: I'll look into my crystal ball and get back to you on that.

Lazy: Your crystal what!!!

Luke: sh ...
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Luke: Hey Lazy, guess what I heard today?

Lazy: ...

Luke: Hey Lazy!

Lazy: ...


Lazy: WHAAAAT ...

Luke: In the shopping centre. The "Wish you were here" song, on the overhead sound system.

Lazy: So!

Luke: I think that's unusual for a place mostly populated with old folks, squares, and youngin's, likely as not haven't even heard of Pink Floyd.

Lazy: Well I heard on the radio this afternoon that the Ikea store round the corner is closing down. The first store to close since they set up business' here in the UK, 33yrs ago. So what!

Luke: Really - so what! What do think it means?

Lazy: I think it means you need to get out more. And I don't mean shopping.

Luke: Why you being so grumpy?

Lazy: Cos I'm busy and don't want to be disturbed. So, wish you were elsewhere.

Luke: Well if you ask me, I'll tell you what it means.

Lazy: ...

Luke: I said, if you ask ...
hey wait a minute. Lazy ... busy 8O
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Post by Lazy Luke »

Lazy: Hi Luke!

Luke: Hey Lazy, what's happening?

Lazy: Did you see the posts I made in the JRR Tolkien forum?

Luke: No ...

Lazy: Very funny, smarty pants.

Well you know how we've been dabbling in the occult ... didn't you find that typo in the LOTR Harper/Collins edition kinda strange?

Luke: Maybe you shouldn't mention that. At least not here on Kevinswatch.

Lazy: Are you kidding me. These deadheads wouldn't notice if I posted a picture of my arse.

Luke: Well then what about it? The typo that is, not the picture of your arse.

'You do not ask me or tell me much that concerns yourself, Frodo,' said
Gildor. 'But I already know a little, and I can read more in your face and
in the thought behind your questions. You are leaving the Shire, and yet
you doubt that you will find what you seek, or accomplish what you intend,
or that you will ever retu n. Is not that so?'
As you can see, there is a missing 'r'. There is also a black smudge, like a shadow, surrounding the word 'Gildor'.
And I'm wondering if, 'Is not that so?', proper Tolkien grammar. Or should it not read, 'Is that not so?'.

Luke: Well you'll be wasting you time if you think you can get a comparison check from anyone around here. You'll just have to go to a library instead.
As for the typo ... yes, I do find that strange. My advice, use the Tarot Cards. If that's where the anomaly originated, as you seem to be implying, then that is a good place as any to find an answer.

Lazy: Any suggestions on what Spread might work best?

Luke: How many cards are now left unread?

Lazy: 34.

Luke: Those are good numbers. Both contain the letter 'r'. I suggest you use an astrological spread ... The Door and The Table spreads you've been developing might not be of use in this instance ...

Lazy: ... yes, and this time there is a question to be asked.

Luke: By the way, that old haunted manor house you worked at as a security guard, was it really once a college for mediums?

Lazy: Yep, it sure was that! Is it any wonder the place was totally screwed up.

Luke: Yes well, be careful. Safety first ... room 237, and all that.

Lazy: ...

Luke: Lazy ...

Lazy: ...

Luke: That picture of his arse, is so funny :haha:
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