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Post by I'm Murrin »

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Post by marshm »

OK, I'll bite...

My name is Gene Marsh. I am in the middle of my 6th reading of the full series (just started TPTP). I attended Ohio University, Athens, OH where I majored in English and graduated in 1983. I own my own company, anycastNET Inc. that specializes in network systems security and design. I have 4 children (2B 2G), and a 6yr old grandson (man, does that make me feel old!).

I am a USA Hockey Level V youth hockey coach, and my son, Kevin (12) whom I also coach, has just started LFB. Haven't figured out yet how I'm going to explain Covenant/Lena to him.

I first started reading the original series shortly after The Illearth War was publish. I was at the book store waiting for each of the next 4 books to be taken out of the box the day they were published. Unfortunately, I had to wait for this last Christmas to get The Runes (my wife picked it up for me the day it was pubished!).

I live in Green, OH, which is just south of Akron, OH. I have had the pleasure of visiting Kent State (20 minutes away) and examining some of the SRD collection they have. I recommend it.

I am an avid reader, and have never read anything that has struck me as deeply as the TC books, with the exception of the Bible.

I am less a fan of fantasy or scifi, more a fan of excellence in writing. Aside from SRD, my favorite authors are Charles Dickens and T.H. White.

I am praying SRD does not take the entire 36 months to release the next book!
Last edited by marshm on Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
Oh yes, I CAN hope... for an early release of the next TC book!
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Post by Avatar »

Welcome to the Watch, Marshm. Here, you can find a little bit of everything. And for an idea about explaining Lena/Covenant to your son, check out Spotted Doe's excellent post in the "Personal Question about the rape of Lena" thread in the TC discussion forum. Hope it helps.

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Post by dlbpharmd »

Welcome, marshm!
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Post by marshm »


Thanks for the heads up on Lena/Covenant. I'll check it out.

I will be stirring up the hornets nest with opinons on everything TC in tthe forums. I am also "eternally opinionated", and consider myself well versed in the material. I hope to offer some food for thought occasionally.
Oh yes, I CAN hope... for an early release of the next TC book!
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Post by Avatar »

No problem. And if you'd like to spread those opinions into areas beyond TC, I hope that you'll join us in the Close and the Think-Tank, under "The Collective".

Always room for more opinions. ;)

I look forward to being served more "food for thought."


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Post by Brinn »

Well Met Gene,

Check out the "Think Tank" sub-section of this site. It's where all the really opinionated (yet cool 8) ) folks debate the hot topics of the day (e.g. politics, current events, foreign and domestic issues etc...). You won't find more civil or informative discussions of fairly divisive topics.

Hope to see you around.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. John Stuart Mill
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About me...? Hm...

Post by malinda_maloney »

Well, I usually end up finding myself straying onto some story of utter nonimportance, but, here goes.

My name is Sarah, and I'm a fifteen year old freshmen in southern Minnesota. I live directly in the middle of nowhere, but, I'm extremely happy I live where I do... just because of some of the people I've met.

I'm on the varsity gymnastics and golf teams. I have a knack for getting made fun of for my height, I'm somewhere around 5'2", but, that's good in gymnastics. I'm in no way the most talented with the tumbling aspect of the sport, but I was born with grace and with band I like to think I have a knack in choosing music that blends easily... thus I gain _a lot_ of points in that area. In golf... I don't know... it's just natural I guess.

My main love, though, is band... in particular, marching band. Like I said, I live in a small town, but this small town has always had a _great_ band. Recently, we went through two director changes, and just now we're starting to get back on track. Last year we had maybe the best show that has been performed in the area for years, and no, I'm not intentionally being biased. We have this insanely talented pianast who is a senior this year, so, naturally we built a grand piano and put it on top of a six foot tall prop and based the show off of famous piano songs, including two pieces by Edvard Grieg, Ragtime by Scott Joplin, Take Five, and Piano Man. It. Was. Great.

I like to think myself somewhat mature for my age. Now in thinking that, I'm probably the most immature person, but, I unfortunately know how to deal with things... which I can basically credit with band. I know what it's like to love and be loved... seriously, I do. I know what it's like to gain friends that hopefully will never leave your side. I know what it's like to cry because you will miss someone who is graduating, and most painfully I know what it's like to bury a dear friend.

I also enjoy professional baseball immensely. My favorite team is the Minnesota Twins, which, thus means that I _really_ don't enjoy the White Sox or Yankees.

I love to read and I always have. My favorite book is The Return of the King. Unlike most people my age that live around here, I actually read it before I even heard of the movies. My brother gave me the Hobbit when I was in third grade, and by the time I was through fourth grade I had read that book and the whole triology. My second favorite is the Riddle Master by Patricia McKillip, which is closely followed by all Thomas Covenant books. I've come to a point that I almost refuse to read anything that isn't historical or fantasical, but, that's alright.

My parents own the local theatre, but I really only enjoy movies that follow the same sort of genre as the books I read do.
Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.
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Post by Avatar »

Welcome again Melinda, may your days among us be long. Plenty to see and say here, so once more, have fun.

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Post by mahoroba »

Hail to all the Servants of the Land,

The name is Andre Gardella and the age is a bit over half a century.
Half Corsican, a quarter French and a quarter Japanese,
born in Vietnam, raised in Corsica and living now 60 km south-west of Tokyo.
Two grown-up children: a daughter, horse riding teacher and a son, PC keyboard hitting maniac.

Teacher at the japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I have been teaching, for over 30 years,
young Japanese diplomats how to say “non” using two affirmative structures, a big smile and a deep bow.
When not showing off my knowledge of diplomatic expressions and fried egg eating etiquette,
I enjoy climbing up and skiing down mountains and paragliding over them.

When not showing off my still active body, my slowly deteriorating mind and my already bald head ,
I read and read Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories in search of THE work that would surpass TC Chronicles.
Done that for the last 15 years. In vain. Earthsea, Dune, LOTR, Rama, etc, all come very close but, but….

I am the proud and now poor owner of the largest collection in the world of the works of an unknown Japanese potter,
Master Kobayashi Bokugyu (his creations, mostly from the Buddhist pantheon, can be seen in my homepage
but unfortunately all explanations are in Japanese language).

I found Kevinswatch looking for SRD new work. I liked it very much and registered immediately.
I will not be posting very often for I write english as slowly as a snail running after a Swiss guard.
But I will surely be reading every word written in those forums about the Land and its people.
About Bloodguard, Ranyhyn and Giants. About Vain, Nom and Nicor. About Revelstone , Coercri and Andelain.
Specially about Andelain.

One question:
1. Could it be that I am I the first and only French in Kevinswatch?

Farewell new friends and may Saltheart be always with you.
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Post by Avatar »

Thank you for sharing your story. I hope that you will be posting as much as possible, and I especially invite you to join us in the Think-Tank, and The Close, forums which appear under The Collective, where we are always keen to gain the perspectives of different cultures.

Welcome once again, Welocme and True. ;)

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Post by BennySalian »

My name is Benjamin, my girlfriend, Kelly, bought me the first and second chronicles of Thomas Covenant and the Runes of the Earth. I've been reading them as much as I can and I just started The One Tree today.

I've read other fantasy series, such as Dragonlance, The Dark Tower, The Last Rune, The Belgariad & The Mallorean, Icewind Dale trilogy and the first book of Otherland.

I hope that I can participate here without running into too many spoilers, I've been contimplating alot about Thomas's inner paradox and the actual existance of the Land.
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Gadget nee Jemcheeta
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Post by Gadget nee Jemcheeta »

Beware spoilers then! And finish reading! Basically everything in the Runes of the Earth threads will be spoilers.... There's a stephen king forum buried in here too, by the way
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Post by Furls Fire »

Welcome and well met Benny! :welcome:

There are spoilers everywhere, so be very careful. One of the great places for you to go as you are reading would be the "Dissecting the Land" forum. There we have taken all 6 books and broken them down into what we call "chapter reads". One person took a chapter and did a long summary/commentary on it, and then we all join in and post our opinions as well. It's a great forum for those new to the books. Feel free to go in there and post your impressions on the books/chapters you have all ready read. :) :)

But be very very very careful in the Thomas Covenant forum and Runes forum. We have spoken very freely in those forums. Some threads have been marked for spoilers, but the majority haven't.

Again, welcome!! Welcome and true!! :D :D
And I believe in you
altho you never asked me too
I will remember you
and what life put you thru.

~fly fly little wing, fly where only angels sing~

~this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you~

...for then I could fly away and be at rest. Sweet rest, Mom. We all love and miss you.

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Post by dlbpharmd »

Welcome Benny!
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Post by Avatar »

Welcome indeed. Hope you have fun here. We sure do. ;)

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Post by ur-bane »

Hail Benny! Welcome!
I would definately read all the books before delving deeply into the forums.
If you are like me when I first read them, you'll be turning the last page before you know it. :D

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want
to test a man's character, give him power.
--Abraham Lincoln

Excerpt from Animal Songs Never Written
"Hey, dad," croaked the vulture, "what are you eating?"
"Carrion, my wayward son."
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Post by nuk »

Nuk, if you couldn't guess, isn't my real name. It's a cross between my legal name and my nickname.

I'm a 30-something male high school physics teacher, with a wife and toddling uber-son.

In retrospect, I'm shocked at how my life has turned out so far. When I was young, I always expected to end up with a prestigious career, but no family. But a lack of ambition funnelled me into teaching, and I lucked into finding a woman who could be happy with an asocial husband.

Other defining characteristics: atheist, Harvey Mudd alum, motorcyclist, Nevadan, chronically slightly depressed, and a Kurt Vonnegut / SRD fan.
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Post by Luke The Unbeliever »

Luke's my name for real..lol.

My dad got me into The Chronicles about 5 mos ago. I read the First and Second Chronicles in about 2 weeks( I was hooked !) My dad bought The First Two Chronicles one by one, starting when he was in the Air Force( back in the seventies.)

My beautiful wife Tina bought me Runes of the Earth for our early Anniversary and I got through it in 3 days...oh by the way...I've got three wonderful daughters: Emily, Sophia, and Lucy whom I absolutely adore.
I'll be 25 yrs old in about 2 weeks.

let's see....

SaltHeart Foamfollower is my favorite character from TCTC, next to Covenant of course.

I'm dying for Fatal Revenant to come out !!! So in the meantime I'll be reading the previous 7 books over and over.

I like to laugh and have a good time, and I love good discussion...so anything else to know about me will be found out soon...lol.
Brian: Who cured you?
Ex-Leper: Jesus did, sir. I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder.
Brian: Well, why don't you go and tell him you want to be a leper again?
Ex-Leper: Uh, I could do that sir, yeah. Yeah, I could do that I suppose. What I was thinking was I was going to ask him if he could make me a bit lame in one leg during the middle of the week. You know, something beggable, but not leprosy, which is a pain in the @$$ to be blunt and excuse my French, sir.
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Post by Menolly »

Oh my! I had briefly introduced myself on the Newbies board, but I guess I can go into more detail here.

I'm Pam, age 45, of Gator Town (Gainesville, FL, home of the University of Florida Fightin' Gators):


married to Paul, age 37, Ph.D. Candidate/Fellow in the History of Science at UF:


and mother to Beorn (yes, named for the shapeshifter in The Hobbit), age 11, entering 7th grade student and an aspie.


Beorn's AS, and his various therapy appointments to help him learn to live with it, keeps me busy. Although he wasn't diagnosed until only 22 months ago, at age 10.

Prior to Beorn's diagnosis, I ran my own business: with 24 hour notice, I would fix dinner for a family of four, entree, sala, side dish, and home made bread, and deliver it to your home hot and ready to serve for $25.00 US. Unfortunately, in a college town where you can get nearly any type of cuisine delivered to your home within 30 minutes, the 24 hour notice was the death knell of my business.

Before that I was the administrative assistant to the Controller at the UAA (the UF athletic association), and before that I have worked in retail, clerical, and waitressing. When I first entered FSU, I was a Music Education major with voice as my instrument. But, I wasn't meant to be a student myself. However, I love being a student's spouse.

I prefer lighter fare in my reading, although I guess TCTC couldn't exactly be called light. But, I love Anne McCaffrey's work, J.K. Rowling, Roger Zelazny's Amber, etc.

My favorite past time of late is to browse recipe message boards on the internet to swap recipes. Oh, and I am a Target perimeter peruser (addicted clearance shopper at a major discount retailer here in the States).

I am planning the weekend celebration for Beorn's Bar Mitzvah in 15 months, which isn't easy when you try to live on an annual income between Paul and me of $12K US. But, I hope by planning early, and buying items I can use at the end of a season, that I will be able to pull it off at a price that won't bankrupt us. :screwy:
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