Episode 7!

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Post by Cagliostro »

I think it could potentially be a good thing. Get it out of the claws of Lucas and at least there is a New Hope of someone good doing something with it. It looks like the screenwriter of Toy Story 3 and Little Miss Sunshine has been hired to write it. I wish him all the luck.
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Post by Avatar »

Meh. I read somewhere that they intended to resurrect Darth Vader...

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Post by Horrim Carabal »

Disney having the Star Wars franchise is good news. No matter what you think of the House of Mouse they would never have let an unprofessional, embarrasing movie like Episode I be released.

I enjoyed reading novels, comics, etc. of the Extended Universe, but there is no way Disney is going to be bound by any of that. Toss it all, start fresh.

I am in favor of the original actors at least appearing in the first new movie. I especially want to see Jedi Master Luke Skywalker played by Mark Hamill. Luke is my favorite character in the original series.

Lucas can count his money while the execs at Disney release competent, enjoyable Star Wars films with decent scripts and screenwriting. Say what you want about bloated writing teams and script doctors, but watch Episodes I, II, and III and tell me you wouldn't mind calling in several teams of hired guns and having them attempt to fix the awful, awful dialogue, the horrible pacing, the stilted, jumpy narrative, and the poorly-framed character development.
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Post by Cagliostro »

I just read that they are not only making the sequel trilogy, but also there are talks of making stand-alone character movies (think: the build-up to the Avengers). And it might be Yoda who gets the first treatment.

So are they still talking about a Star Wars tv series? If so, I think there is going to be some serious Star Wars fatigue if they push it all too hard. Think what happened with Star Trek when they released all those different series around the same time after Next Generation was a success.

And yeah, I love Yoda, but could a story about him sustain a full movie? Robert Rodriguez has discussed making a Han Solo movie, which I would definitely pay to see, but...who else would hold much interest? Yeah, Boba Fett, sure, but anybody else?
Luke? Nah, his story is told.
Leia? I think we've seen something of her backstory. It was called Episode 1 and bits of Episode 2. Diplomacy with Star Wars makes for sleepy.
Chewie? Maybe, but a movie primarily with subtitles would be annoying. And any other option makes me shudder.
C3PO and R2D2 - already done. It was called Droids, and it sucked.
Lando? Might work in the right hands. (Lando Calrissian - A Spike Lee Joint...hah!)
Obi Wan? We already saw a heap of his story.
Qui-Gon? Why?
Beyond that, we get into minor character territory, which we already are with Boba Fett. Does anybody want to see the Lobot movie? Jabba the Hutt Story? It's A Trap: Admiral Ackbar Wins The Day?
You think the marketing was a bit overblown in the 70's for Star Wars? You ain't seen nothing yet.

I joke, and I am looking forward to delving back into it, but I have a bad feeling about this, starting now with this recent announcement.

And if they resurrect Vader, I think I'm hanging up my Star Wars underoos forever.
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Post by Avatar »

I guess there are the 20 years between Episode III and IV if they want to do a back story one for Vader. That could be acceptable.

Back from the dead wouldn't be though.

I still have a bad feeling though. Here's hoping I'm proved wrong.

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Post by dlbpharmd »

Avatar wrote:I guess there are the 20 years between Episode III and IV if they want to do a back story one for Vader. That could be acceptable.

Back from the dead wouldn't be though.

I still have a bad feeling though. Here's hoping I'm proved wrong.

Vader going after Jedi would rock!
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Post by Avatar »

I was thinking along similar lines. :D

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Post by Horrim Carabal »

They're not going to bring back Vader. That sounds like the kind of "Disney sucks!" rumor some sweaty Star Wars fanboy would start.

I trust Disney a lot more than I trust George Lucas.
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Post by Avatar »

I don't. :D

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