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The confessional thread.

Post by Sunbaneglasses »

I think we need a soul bearing,spiritual cleansing thread where we admit some of our weird habits,guilty pleasures,and things that we are ashamed of(within reason).But I could be wrong as usual?So here are some of mine.
I sometimes watch wrestling.
I manage a Wal Mart Tire Lube Express.
I dropped out of college because I smoked a lot of pot and partied way too much.
I have a lot of anxiety and a bit of obsessive/compulsive disorder.
I have never visited my father grave since the funeral 8 years ago.
Uh,I will think of more later this is just to start the discussion-to open the can of worms if you will.I hope others feel the need to cleanse their souls and I don't end up looking like an ass.
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Post by The Laughing Man »

I got yer back, there, Sunboy! ;)

I never wrote thank you notes to my Gramma.

I wish I had the balls to revive the Philisophical Subject "Paradox".

I dropped out of the "Evil Things Bush is Responsible For: The Game" because I think joking about death and destruction is sick and offensive when ignorance and incompetence, (and not just bad luck, or good intentions going wrong), are the cause of it.

I wish I wasn't in jail on H.S. Graduation Day.

I cry every time I think of my mother's face when she learned I had been stealing money out of her church collection money for comic books and cigarrettes when I was 13. (yes, The Esmer stole money from Jesus. Jesus reminds him eternally.)

I got a bloody nose from Kim Weaver in 7th grade, and all she got was applause. (she locked me out on the window ledge!) :roll:

I still regret not asking my Great Uncle Jimmy if I could have his vintage Winchester 30/30 w/rolled steel 8 barrel....

I LOVE Gospel music. WHAT? (thats black/soul gospel, not the "other" kind ;) )
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Post by Sunbaneglasses »

Yes during my stoner phase I would abuse my grandmothers compulsion to feed everyone-I would get the munchies,call Mawmaw,tell her I was coming over and drop little hints about being hungry.She knows what I like-fried chicken,biscuits,chicken and dumplings,country fried steak.........................she would always do her best,and would marvel at how hungry I was.Mawmaw is now 78 and now when she cooks for my family and I we always wash the dishes.Grandmothers are great(but I still feel guilty).
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Post by Sunbaneglasses »

When my oldest son was about 4 months old,I was holding him,I turned my ankle and fell on him.Luckily we were both o.k.,but the way he acts sometimes I wonder?Oh yea-I also have poor punctuation skills and am such a horrid speller I often think of a word I am sure I can spell and use it in place of a more appropriate word that I am affraid I will misspell.
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Post by Avatar »

Damn missed out on a fine rifle there methinks...octagonal barrel? Classic. Literally. ;)

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Post by Usivius »

confessional page???!!!! 8O
Gads! If I open my mouth (or let my fingers run free) this will take forever!!! :oops:
I think I will just keep it locked inside me and confess on my deathbed as all good Catholics do. ;)
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Post by [Syl] »

Hmm, a lot of things I'd need to create a new persona for, but let's see...

Used to cut myself (not the wrists) back when I was younger to deal with stress.

Once realized I was wearing my grandmother's jeans (I was 10. same size, grabbed them out of the laundry basket). Changed pants. Kept the $50 in the pocket. Got caught shoplifting later that summer.

have never been able to maintain friendly intentions for female friends.

Eh, that's enough.
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Post by dANdeLION »

When I meet a person who I believe is truly uptight, I like to push his buttons. It's a compulsive thing; I really have a difficult time not enjoying the hell out of it. I mean, controlling it. I think it stems from watching Bugs Bunny as a child.....I mean, who's cooler than Bugs? Now that I've grown up, matured, I've found a new role model; Sam Rockwell. Or, more specifically, President Zaphod. I figure if there were more people in the univers like him, it would be a happier place. Of course, the Earth would no longer be here, which automatically removes about 30% of universal depression. Zaphod and Bugs; a guy could do a whole lot worse......

Esmer, you're not the only guy to take advantage of the church's lax security measures.....or feel guilty about it.
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Post by lucimay »

lets see...what, of my myriad sins, should i confess here???? :oops:

speaking of grandmothers...i have enduring guilt over how i treated my grandmother when i worked for her in her office just after high school. i partied a lot, called in sick a lot...took advantage of her in a major way. luckily i was able to apologize for being such a crumb to my very own grandmother but...still the guilt endures.

as my parents' "built in babysitter" i was, shall we say, less than patient with my two younger brothers when they were left in my care. (well they were little monsters!!!) ok, this is confession, not justification.

i confess...i objectify men.
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Post by dANdeLION »

Objectify? Is that like what we men do to women all the time? If so, I wanna be objectified be some hot babe.
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Post by lucimay »

yes...same as. objectify. :oops: ;)
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Post by duchess of malfi »

Syl wrote: Used to cut myself (not the wrists) back when I was younger to deal with stress.
I used to do that, too, way back a million years ago when I was a teenager living in a very emotionally abusive situation. I think it's actually more common than a lot of people think. :( :( :( And other than Calibaby, you are the first people to ever know about it. :o
Let's see...

I've only slept with one person in my entire life, and I am married to him. That's pretty :oops: :oops: :oops: to admit. Of course, I was a pretty screwed up teenager when I met him, so....

I've never been in trouble with the law, and have never done anything to be in trouble with the law. I've never even gotten a speeding ticket! 8O I was stopped once for having a burned out headlight...Even so, I have been questioned by the federal police about a couple of weird things co-workers have done over the years! Talk about nerve wracking! :o

I've only been seriously drunk once in my life (and that was enough) and I have never used any sort of illicit drug. I've never even smoked a cigarette.

I guess the worst thing, or one of the worst things about me now (other than being the most boring person on earth :wink: ) is that every now and then I lose patience with everyone who knows me (including men 10-20 years older than I am) thinking of me as their second mother. I don't mind so much having everyone pile their problems on my head, and I am glad to help them out if I can -- but it means that there are very few people I can turn to (other than Fisty and Danlo) when I am feeling down about things in my life. No one wants to hear their "mom" complain about her sex life or other such problems. :wink:
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Post by High Lord Tolkien »

What's up with all this abusing Grandma?
I too stole money from my Grandmother's purse and bought candy with it.
Unfortunately an 8 yearold suddenly coming home with bags of treats is kinda a white flag to Mom who knew I had no money and decided to investigate. :Help:

I too married the woman that I had sex with for the first time.
It took me 8 years to propose to her, not because I didn't want to but because we couldn't afford it.

I've also never smoked a cigarette.

I tried smoking pot 3 times the during the summer when I was 23.
I know I was doing it right because, believe me, the guys I was with were experts but I never got high.
I'm glad I tried it because I would always wonder about it but also wish I didn't because I think never even trying it is also pretty cool.

Give me enough channels and I could spend the rest of my life watching TV.
If it wasn't for porn I would have gotten bored with computers years ago.

I dated a fat girl in highschool that I didn't like (just because she was fat, I know I know...) just because she had a car and drove me around wherever I wanted whenever I wanted.

I accidentally dropped my 2 year old daughter on her head while giving her a piggy back ride, she slid down head first off my back while I was on my knees. It was the most sickening thing I had ever been through. She was fine. Afterwards after talking to several people about it I learned two things: 1: Things like that happen often and 2: kids have really tough heads :D

There was some kind of flooding out in the Mississippi river area a number of years ago. I managed a pet store and we had a donation fish bowl for the pets and animal shelters who were affected.
I robbed it blind. Bought myself and my staff pizza with it and made the registers even every day for 2 months.
Years later I talked to another manager in the same chain and told him.
He laughed and said that he did the same thing.
To this day I never drop my money in those jars at the register.

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Post by dANdeLION »

Last night, there was a knock at my door. I opened the door, and the man outside informed me that he was a prior tenant in my apartment and he had left something there, lying in the closet next to the water heater, and could I go look. I looked, found the item, and gave the guy back his RIFLE! 8O

I have an eye for detail, so I looked it up online later, and it was just an air gun; a Sheridan Silver Streak C9.
Last edited by dANdeLION on Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dandelion don't tell no lies
Dandelion will make you wise
Tell me if she laughs or cries
Blow away dandelion

I'm afraid there's no denying
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Post by [Syl] »

High Lord Tolkien wrote:There was some kind of flooding out in the Mississippi river area a number of years ago. I managed a pet store and we had a donation fish bowl for the pets and animal shelters who were affected.
I robbed it blind. Bought myself and my staff pizza with it and made the registers even every day for 2 months.
Years later I talked to another manager in the same chain and told him.
He laughed and said that he did the same thing.
To this day I never drop my money in those jars at the register.
I've always had an innate mistrust of fundraisers. Could have something to do with a raffle sale they had us do when I was a kid. Tickets were a dollar a piece or five for three. Funny how almost nobody ended up buying single tickets from me.
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Post by Alynna Lis Eachann »

High Lord Tolkien wrote: There was some kind of flooding out in the Mississippi river area a number of years ago. I managed a pet store and we had a donation fish bowl for the pets and animal shelters who were affected.
I robbed it blind. Bought myself and my staff pizza with it and made the registers even every day for 2 months.
Years later I talked to another manager in the same chain and told him.
He laughed and said that he did the same thing.
To this day I never drop my money in those jars at the register.
Robbing from pets... LOL, well, at least it wasn't from the blind or something. I always did wonder where all that money really went. ;)

I have nothing I want to confess. It's not that there's nothing I have to confess, because there's plenty. I just don't want to show everyone what an idiot I am.

Well, okay, here's a few benign things:

I should be working right now. I will go back to work just as soon as I get my thrice-or-more daily Internet fix. Yes, I will count this on my time sheet. Why? Because everybody else does.

I've gotten passing-out-drunk twice, both times in unfamiliar places. Once it was at a party where I only knew about two or three people. The second time was at a bar with my best friend. I passed out in a gazebo along the street at 2 am. Fortunately my friend's a heavyweight and managed to get us a cab, get us up the stairs and into our respective beds before passing out himself.

Tried pot at that same party. Was nothing exciting to speak of.
"We probably could have saved ourselves, but we were too damned lazy to try very hard... and too damn cheap." - Kurt Vonnegut

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Post by Usivius »

OK, a drunk story I can deal with, and here is mine:

Two days before I was to fly to Ecuador to be married, a friend of mine (who happens to be a cop) takes me out to some clubs. Becuase he knows EVERYONE, including all the owners, we get in to all the nice places in TO without waiting, and get free drinks all night long... I have never been drunk in my life... 'happy', yes, not drunk.
By the 7th or 8th place everything is getting fuzzy and I call it a night. Fine, my friend drives me home (I know, drunk driving ... I am ashamed I allowed my friend to drive...), but not before we stop off at Sugar Mountain, a huge candy store. Yah, it's 2:30 am, and the store is open and I remembered that my wife-to-be wanted me to bring down some candy. Done.
The next morning I am in incredibel pain, manage to stumble in to work, go home, sleep and be ready for a really early flight the next day. All good.
Once in Ecuador, I hand out gifts and goodies to people, one being the bag of candy... It is a HUGE bag. Much more than a sane person should have bought.
Upon my return to Canada two weeks later, my cop friend says he visited the candy store two days later to pick up some more... the store owner remembered him as being "with tht skinny guy who bought $60.00 worth of candy"...

I have done a few things in my many years, but I don't much like getting drunk...

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Post by duchess of malfi »

Yeah, once was enough for me when it came to getting drunk. The people I was with lost track of how many times I threw up at about #17. 8O And we won't talk about how I felt the next morning when my alarm clock went off. :o Suffice to say, I did not make it to classes the next morning.
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Post by The Laughing Man »

Avatar wrote:Damn missed out on a fine rifle there methinks...octagonal barrel? Classic. Literally. ;)

Oh, Avatar ;) , you cannot know what that gun meant to me. :grinlove: I remember watching an old western where this gun, called "One in a Thousand" or some such thing, was being offered as a prize for a target contest. This gun was "legendary" in the sense that every 1,000th gun or so was so perfect, so incredibly accurately made, that it was a "dream" to get one. That gun my Uncle had certainly wasn't one of those, but to me, it was. sigh.....(blew a tree the diameter of a coffee can clean in two, heh. I have since apologized to the tree, for I was young then... ;) )
Last edited by The Laughing Man on Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Fist and Faith »

Lucimay wrote:i confess...i objectify men.
All lies and jest
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest
-Paul Simon
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