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Post by sgt.null »

I get one every year. Never got sicker. Just didn't get the flu.
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Post by deer of the dawn »

Sorry I haven't been showing up. This summer kinda sucked, as I'm sure it did for many. Other than going on a couple of amazing hikes, we just hung out. I had daily messages and emails and phone calls having to do with work, and spent a crapload of hours in the office trying to get orders for supplies for school to go through. It took me until last week.

So I took a couple days off, but this school year is already beginning with planning meetings and stuff. *sigh*... at least it's a job I actually love doing. But I didn't want to do it all summer. That's what teaching is all about, isn't it? June and July????

I read a lot and am kind of working my way toward re-reading ALL THE CHRONS. :D
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Post by Avatar »

Nice to see you around Deer. :)

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Post by peter »

Business as usual! As a "thank you" to workers in the public sector for their efforts in respect of the Covid crisis, PM Johnson has decided upon an above inflation wage increase of up to 3.1 percent in recognition of their "vital contribution". This payment will go to doctors, teachers and other state sector employees (with the exception of nurses who already have a good inflation busting deal in place).

Well, that's all very well and yes they deserve it - but does absolutely nothing to recognise the equally vital contribution of the millions of care workers, of hospital cleaners, of shop workers, of bus drivers who remained in service throughout, often dying in disproportionately high numbers as a result. Would it not be appropriate for the Government to recognise their contribution in their thanks. If this cannot be done in the form of wage increases that stretch into the private sector, then let it at least come in the form of a medal, struck in recognition of, and distributed to all those designated "key worker" status during the lockdown.

To date the lachrymose thanks, the waving and clapping of the lockdown days have not translated into anything tangible, but rather seem to have evaporated (as was always to be expected) into "yesterday's story" as quickly forgotten as it was shallow in it's depth when being expressed.
The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

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Post by Avatar »

Yes, I was just reflecting the other day on the irony of the majority of "essential" workers being the ones who are paid the least for their labour.

Funny that...the non-essential CEO gets millions, while the essential supermarket worker gets a few quid an hour...

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Post by Kizza »

Avatar wrote:I don't bother with a flu shot, but that's largely because the couple I've had have ended with me sicker than in years I didn't get one.

Same for me.

And Deer,
It was hard to find toilet paper for the household at one point, so I am guessing you had your work cut out with school supplies. Hope it turns for the better sooner.
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Post by Sorus »

Avatar wrote: Funny that...the non-essential CEO gets millions, while the essential supermarket worker gets a few quid an hour...

Our CEO made almost 10 mil last year. He posts videos from lockdown in his 6-million dollar mansion to cheer us on. He was forced to grow a beard while in quarantine because he couldn't visit his barber, and that makes him Just Like Us. That was the same week he patted himself on the back for sending PPE to every location. Ours consisted of a 32oz bottle of Purell that had a use-by date of 2017.

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Post by mirandagon »

i also saw the turtle in the shape of 8, I really found it super sad, everything we have come to do, I am new to the forum, so I will be commenting from time to time friends
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Post by peter »

Hey mirandagon! Hello from the Watch and great to have you onboard!

The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

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Post by Avatar »

mirandagon wrote:i also saw the turtle in the shape of 8, I really found it super sad, everything we have come to do, I am new to the forum, so I will be commenting from time to time friends
Welcome aboard. :D I hope it goes without saying that non-relevant links are frowned on here. Also, the www in your profile counts as boiler-plate, so you won't get any SEO value from it. :D (Same as signatures, when you get around to adding one. :) )

I look forward to your participation. :D
Sorus wrote:...Ours consisted of a 32oz bottle of Purell that had a use-by date of 2017.
Ok that's funny. Sick, but funny. :D Sorry. :D

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Post by peter »

The last few days have been wretched. There is no other way to describe it.

Yesterday I had to make the decision to have my much loved cat euthanased following a period of decline and a sudden fall into overt illness from which I judged there was little chance of recovery. This decision was made all the harder because he was not by any means old - around eight years - and should, by all rights, have had a good amount of life ahead of him. I could have taken the option to persue the route of testing and diagnosis followed by treatment, which while expensive would have been covered by his insurance - but could not simply bring myself to put him through this to the end of a highly uncertain outcome. He clearly had a very serious and malign condition at work within him, as confirmed by the examining veterinarian, and having worked for twenty plus years in the profession I am firmly of the opinion that while minor ailments that can be rapidly addressed with fast and effective treatment should be done so, animals are simply not made up to understand the ongoing diagnostic and treatment regimens to which we humans subject ourselves when long-term life threatening illness strikes. (Traumas of the accidental kind are, I hasten to add, a different matter; the end result of treatment of these is much more certain so certainly worth pursuing.)

My little lad was very dear to me; he was born in my house - I held him in the palm of my hand on the first day of his life and watched him grow into a fine cat. He was my friend. It would not be overstating it to say I am devastated by his loss, but am convinced that I made the correct decision in deciding to end his suffering. I have seen many cats go down the path he was on and rarely, with the best of intentions, do they ever make it out of the far end. On this basis and to save him the distress of being thrust into strange places with things that he could not understand being done to him I made my call. But it has been harsh - very harsh - and I now have to believe that I made the right call, that I did not let him down at the end.


In another incident, it might have been noticed that elsewhere among these pages, for reasons best known to himself, a poster decided to give me a hard time - well no, rather just to label me "a prick" (you'll find it in the Strange News Stories thread on this forum if you're interested) with no explanation as to how or why he'd formed that (quite possibly correct) opinion of me. Thanks, by the way Av, for your admonishing the poster. I have no idea why anyone would do this; if you dislike a person's posts then say so or decline to read them. Surely this is enough?

Nothing like this has happened before in my twelve years of posting here and perhaps, due to what else has been going on in my life, it has left me somewhat depressed. It shouldn't I know: there will always be people who will do this kind of thing and one should have the strength to simply let it wash over one - but somehow, it has got to me. I have my failings - God knows, I know them better than anyone, I live with them - but this is not in the spirit of the Watch that I have enjoyed for so many years. I am dispirited, not just for myself but for all of us who have loved visiting this place. In the words of Shakespeare's play "all are punished - all are punished".
The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

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Post by sgt.null »

Peter - so sorry for you loss. You will both be in our prayers.
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Post by Avatar »

Ah Peter, so sorry to hear it man. Can only empathise and know how I would feel if it was one of mine. For me, nebulous as the term may be, quality of life is the defining criteria.

As for that other thing, don't let it get you down. Rarely are outbursts like that purposefully directed...just happened to be you this time.

Chin up man. The sun also rises. ;)

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Post by peter »

Massive thanks guys. Kind words go a long way to helping; would never have believed I would feel his loss so keenly!
The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

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Post by peter »

What were those guys thinking, to store 2,500 tons of sweating ammonium nitrate in a warehouse next to a docks and residential area of a city! I mean WTF!

The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

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Post by Tefazipipo »

Hello everyone! I haven't logged in for a very long time.

I'm very lucky in where I live, in Japan. We were in lockdown-ish for a while, and most people had no problem adjusting to mask-wearing. It's quite common here for those with bad pollen allergies, and those trying to stay out of the sun. Numbers, of course, became an immediate problem in March, but by mid-July many companies had realized there was a new market for masks and have shifted to producing their own. Mid-July also finally meant the un-clogging, for much the same reason, of disinfectants and other useful things. Toilet paper resolved earlier, I think during May.

Japan is in a state of social distancing, mask-wearing, plastic barriers everywhere. Shops closing early. Some small specialist shops shifted to include or push mail order and delivery. Having to try moving to takeout for most orders does not work well for many restaurants. Customers do not, after all, want to go and come back. They want to go and stay, and not have to deal with the garbage.

I'm actually looking forward to checking out the COVID-19 thread. It's probably nearly like a journal of how information became available.

Peter, I have five rescue cats. One of them is 14 and has chronic Kidney disease. I don't know how much longer we'll have with her, but just like you, I'm not going to make her life miserable just to prolong it. Love her dearly!
Last edited by Tefazipipo on Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Avatar »

Hey, Tefazipipo, nice to see you around. Yes, unfortunately the so-called "West" does not already have a culture of wearing masks for either the protection of one-self or of others.

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Post by Kizza »

Hey Peter, thinking of you and sending good vibes man.
Don’t let anyone get you down. Sorry about your cat

I just read a NYTimes article about coping. It was good for the most part. Ways to reset, like through music, or holding your face in ice cold water for 15 seconds!! I laughed at the water idea. Though if you have the courage to do it....

Take care all. Busy, busy, busy.$
Never fight fair with a stranger, boy. You'll never get out of the jungle that way. - Arthur Miller
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Post by Sorus »

So sorry, Peter. That's never an easy choice even when it's the only choice.

Had another coworker test positive today. Worked with him yesterday. He seemed fine. Today he called in sounding like the living dead. Don't know when he was tested or why, but that's another two weeks of anxiety for all of us.

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Post by peter »

Thanks guys; am now reconciling myself to the loss. But gosh it was hard! Would never have believed that I could have been hit so hard by it. My two remaining cats (mother and sister to the boy I lost) are obviously finding his absence a bit weird. Absolutely Tefazipipo - love her to bits and know when she needs you to be strong most.

I've just been on a bit of a scan around the pages of the Watch and there seems to be a few old friends dropping by! Great to see it!


Chin up Sorus! The bug doesn't seem terribly good at spreading; my niece's mother tested positive but not one of the family she lives with did.
The truth is a Lion and does not need protection. Once free it will look after itself.

....and the glory of the world becomes less than it was....
'Have we not served you well'
'Of course - you know you have.'
'Then let it end.'

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