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Post by [Syl] »

Surprisingly, my abrupt departure from the Tank left a few people thinking it was their fault. It's not anybody's fault. Some thought it was the Tank's fault, expressing understanding for any frustration I might have but asking me to stay at the Watch. It's not that, either. Allow me to explain.

If you look at the memberlist, there are relatively few people that have been here longer than I have. Fewer of those are still around, and of those, only a couple as active as I was. And considering that I don't post nearly as often as I used to or in nearly as many forums, that's saying something. You could probably write a pretty good research paper on why people join message boards and why they leave or stay.

For me, it was rather fun for a long time. Maybe not often much of a "whee!" kind of fun, but being able to share my thoughts had value, both in helping me to order and refine those thoughts and in a kind of ego gratificiation. And I have a pretty big ego. Even after it wasn't that much fun, I still had a sense of investment in the site. Pride and obligation. I mean, hell, if you're going to do something for ten years, why stop?

Maybe because if after ten years you're just not feeling it, why put the effort into it? I don't really lose anything I want by leaving. I have my memories, and there are better ways to keep in touch with the friends I've made over the years. There wasn't MySpace when I started here, much less Facebook or whatever the next incarnation might be.

Some have thought it was the Tank that made me quit, but it really wasn't. I was thinking about leaving months before, had actually taken a couple of fairly long breaks (for me) that nobody really noticed. But when Av asked me if I wanted to moderate the forum, I saw it as a challenge. It kept me interested. And while I wouldn't say it was a complete success or I brought my idea of the perfect Tank into fruition, I think it was worth it. Was it frustrating? Did I occasionally want to pull my hair out, or figuratively choke some posters, or just ban people for annoying me? Absolutely, but Tankers live on that. Was temporarily closing the forum by kicking everyone from the group entirely unlike grabbing a beer in each hand and popping the emergency chute? Nope, can't say it was. ;)

Truth be known, I was just about done responding to a PM from a Tanker in which I was justifying some action I took when I realized it was so much bullshit. Not that I didn't think what I did was right, just that I really didn't care or believe in it the way I should. And if I don't care, I very well could end up being the petty tyrant some people think I am. Better to quit and hope some of the positive change I have effected will continue into its next incarnation.

A quick word of advice to the Tankers, though: for almost as long as there's been a Hile Troy's Think Tank, there have been people who say it should be closed. I've always held that it has a lot of value to the Watch and even more potential, that the failings of a few shouldn't be held against the many (figuratively speaking. I may have my disagreements with some people, but I don't think any overall problems can be placed at any one person's feet or upon any particular group). There may always be someone foolish enough to moderate the forum, but the tide may turn and the powers that be may decide that it's not worth putting up with the bullshit. When it comes to certain disputes, or ways in which we try to resolve those disputes, you may think you're right—may even be right—but you might want to ask yourself if that's the most important thing. I'm as guilty of this as anyone else—guiltier, probably—but victory doesn't always lie in the validity of your cause or the defeat of your opponents.

Without the Tank, there's not much keeping me here, especially now that Pantheon is dead and the other GT games have moved elsewhere (which I actually look forward to getting back into). The format of personal interaction here at the Watch is a little too removed and a little too stale for my tastes anymore. I'd say I could check in from time to time and post if the mood strikes me, but I know that I'm like a junkie in that I can't just dabble without being sucked back in. It's time for a clean break.

Take care, all. It's been fun. If you need to, you either know how to get in touch with me or know someone who does. And y'know, if you want to nominate me for the MIA Watchy (which, let's face it, should really be called the Syls. The Oscars aren't called the Accies), or, say, bump this post once a year or so, well, that'd be cool. :mrgreen:
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Post by aTOMiC »

Even though you may not read this I had to respond and say that you will be missed.
My own participation on The Watch has dwindled greatly as well. After 3640 days of participation I have to admit that my enthusiasm isn't what it once was but I do tend to drop in once a week just to see what's going on.
All in all its been fun and I wish you all the best.
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Post by lucimay »

whoa. :(

you're more advanced than a cockroach,
have you ever tried explaining yourself
to one of them?
~ alan bates, the mothman prophecies

i've had this with actors before, on the set,
where they get upset about the [size of my]
trailer, and i'm always like...take my trailer,
cause... i'm from Kentucky
and that's not what we brag about.
~ george clooney, inside the actor's studio

a straight edge for legends at
the fold - searching for our
lost cities of gold. burnt tar,
gravel pits. sixteen gears switch.
Haphazard Lucy strolls by.
~ dennis r wood ~
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Post by Avatar »

Ah Syl, we'll miss you man. I'm glad the 'Tank managed to keep you amused a little while longer. Thanks for all the years of participation in the Watch, and (frequently thankless) service of its Members.

Hamba kahle.

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Re: Farewell

Post by Lefdmae Deemalr Effaeldm »

Thank you for the good company and for doing so much for the Watch.

Any chances to see you on EI more now? Sounds like that a bit from the "elsewhere" mentioned ^_^
[Syl] wrote:There may always be someone foolish enough to moderate the forum
Suddenly, I feel almost up to that task :lol:

And good luck to you, wherever you go now.
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Post by Menolly »

Be well, Syl.
You, and your game characters, will be missed.

And please still plan on coming to 'fest next year, even if posting here has gotten tedious for you.

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Post by ussusimiel »

[Syl] wrote:Dear [intellectual worms]*,

I have just a few words to say that will probably be too subtle for you.

As you may know I'm a distinguished linguist who's won a prize or two for my work so don't be upset if you can't comprehend all the intricate concepts that I'm going to so generously lay out before you. Just because you're a member of a pseudo-elitist, semi-literary site devoted to the pathetic writings of a clapped-out hack, please don't for a second think that you are intellectuals. (Did I ever tell you that I sometimes stick posts from the Watch up in the office. Oh how we laugh!)

We also sometimes take out my copies of the 1st and 2nd Chrons and after a few games of 'Clench' to warm up, we then play 'Who Can Find the Most Outrageously Overwritten Paragraph Containing the Most Egregiously Incongruous Latinate Adjective'. Then we take the winner's paragraph and perform a post-modern, Frankfurt School, Deleuzean revisionist deconstruction on it. Delicious!

A favourite game of mine here on the Watch is called, 'Bait the Pseudo!', this is where I set a neat little trap for semi-deluded, self-appointed intellectuals. The latest one is called A question of grammar. Here I roped in the feeble-minded little fishies with the idea that they could somehow help me with language *GUFFAW* and then I revealed the magnitude of their delusion by casually mentioning the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis. They are probably still scratching their heads over how we got onto Star Trek. Douce!.

To be derided by one such as I should be counted an honour. The Watch has had the great good fortune to be blessed with my capacious intellect for nearly ten years now, and I must say that I, in my own way, have been grateful for all the pleasure that I have garnered at your expense. (A fitting trade-off, as the petit bourgeoisie might say.)

Be glad and thankful that as I reach my prime you shall have the signal opportunity to engage with one of the intellects of your generation.

Yours in Rightful Hubristic Hauteur,


*[The brackets are just a sop to your pathetic little feelings.]
Don't think I could top that. I'll definitely miss having an Internet bad-ass liberal in the 'Tank to slap those righties down :lol:

Best of luck and, maybe, I might meet you at the 'Fest next year.

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Post by MsMary »

lucimay wrote:whoa. :(

I couldn't have said it better.

Okay, I admit I am one of the long timers who barely participates anymore, but, Syl, I always enjoyed reading your posts when I came around here. And I've appreciated your input on some things we've discussed in the past.

Will miss you and hope you will keep in touch, at least a little.

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Post by Cagliostro »

Wait...you're breaking up with us?

I feel so jilted.

Is there another forum?

Is it something we've done?

Syl, take care, and thanks for 10 years of love and devotion.

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Post by kevinswatch »

I bet this is my fault. :(



Take care, man! Don't be a stranger.


(I think this has been my first post in months!)
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Post by aliantha »

Sorry to see you go, Syl. Ten years is a long time, though, and I confess that lately I find myself hanging out more on Facebook (and often with fellow Watchers) than I do at the Watch. :(

Come on back when TLD is out, though, okay? And we'll see you in Albuquerque next year, dammit!

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Post by Fist and Faith »

I hope this doesn't mean I have to quit, too. Heh. Syl found me in a mIRC chat room, where I was Foamfollower. He told me to come to this place called the Watch.
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Post by Obi-Wan Nihilo »

Free -
Dream that what is dreamed will be:
Old eyes clasped shut until they see,
And sing the silent prophecy -
And be -
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Post by Hashi Lebwohl »

+1 Interwebz to Mongnihilo--that was pure genius.
The Tank is gone and now so am I.
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